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Here alongst the waters side bee very many faire houses, and in all of them, or for the most part they haue their images standing, which be euill fauoured, made of stone and wood, some like lions, leopards, and monkeis, some like men and women, and pecocks, and some like the deuil with foure armes and 4. hands.

Nous serions heureux, la Comtesse de Paris et moi, si durant cet ete vous pouviez, avec Madame et Mademoiselle Reeve, renouveler la visite que vous nous avez faite au chateau d'Eu il y a trois ans. Depuis lors la maison a ete toujours en deuil; l'evenement qui vient de s'accomplir ici nous permet, j'aime a le croire, une annee plus heureuse.

Many Bonzii returne likewise to these priuate funerals, and so do they againe the seuenth day: then cary they out the ashes to be buried in a place appointed, laying thereupon a fouresquare stone, wherein is written in great letters drawen all the length of the stone, the name of that deuil the which the dead man worshipped in his life time.

But yet they do not fill my heart; and that is why they have no power to fix it. I am always waiting for the woman and the work which shall be capable of taking entire possession of my soul, and of becoming my end and aim. "Promenant par tout sejour Le deuil que tu celes, Psyche-papillon, un jour Puisses-tu trouver l'amour Et perdre tes ailes!"

"On ne croit plus a son etoile, On sent que derriere la toile Sont le deuil, les maux et la mort." For a fortnight I have been happy, and now this happiness is going. There are no more birds, but a few white or blue butterflies are still left.

One day, when I least expected anything of the kind, he wrote to me in behalf of that woman, informing me that Grimm offered to maintain her, and to ask my permission to accept the offer. This I understood consisted in a pension of three hundred livres, and that Madam le Vasseur was to come and live at Deuil, between the Chevrette and Montmorency.

Alas, the labourers as yet are few, the haruest great, I trust God hath made you an instrument to increase the number, and to mooue men of power, to redeeme the people of Newfoundland and those parts from out of the captiuitie of that spirituall Pharao, the deuil.

Ah! now I understand my father's story! It contains the answer to one of the questions I asked myself a week ago. Yes, I now feel that fame and power are gifts that are dearly bought; and that, when they dazzle the soul, both are oftenest, as Madame de Stael says, but 'un deuil eclatant de bonheur!

Such heartless indifference to the sufferings of the people on the part of the King and his Court evoked the following couplet, which was put into the mouth of Louis by a contemporary pamphleteer: "Si la France est en deuil, qu'elle pleure et soupire; Pour moi, je veux chasser, galantiser et rire." But we are somewhat anticipating events, and therefore return to them in the order of time.

J'ai eu depuis des nouvelles de votre sejour a Broglie et au Val Richcr par Messieurs Gavard et de Witt, et j'ai bien regrette que les convenances du deuil ne m'aient pas permis de vous demander cette annee de venir an Chateau d'Eu.