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One with another, hard they go, to see the gain of the waters, and the tribulation of Cop, and are prone to kick the day-boys out, with words of scanty compliment. With a spirited bang they close their books, and make invitation the one to the other for pipes and foreign cordials, recommending the chance of the time, and the comfort away from cold water. But, lo!

We won't have the day-boys sticking their fingers into this pie!" cried Escombe Trevelyan. "We couldn't do the job alone," said Jack quietly. "It would take us twice as long." A loud murmur of disapprobation ran through the room. Jack turned rather pale, and pinched the edge of the table nervously. His eyes wandered from face to face. All were vexed, all displeased.

Pembroke used to look after the day-boys, and so he can't very well take the lead against them, and perhaps Rickie's doing his dirty work and has overdone it, as decent people generally do. He's even altering to talk to. Yet he's not been married a year. Pembroke and that wife simply run him.

Numbers began to tell, and the day-boys were being forced steadily backwards towards the wall, away from the class-rooms, where they had hoped, if necessary, to be able to entrench themselves. A foolish idea of making use of the long table suggested itself to Mason. A tug and a shove, and they had pulled it round to shield them. "You lunatics!

Last term, you know, with a great deal of puffing and blowing, they fixed the numbers of the school. This term they want to create a new boarding-house." "They are very welcome." "But the more boarding-houses they create, the less room they leave for day-boys. The local mothers are frantic, and so is my queer cousin. I never knew him so excited over sub-Hellenic things.

Half-holidays, ordinary or extraordinary, are rare; but Saturday is always a whole holiday. The main bulk of holidays are at Christmas, when some seven weeks are usually given. The midwinter vacation rarely lasts a month, and short breaks are allowed at Easter and Michaelmas, after the fashion of all schools comprising any large number of day-boys.

"But I wish I felt sure about that." "Well, I see at the present moment he's hobnobbing with the enemy," said Hughes doubtfully. "Oh, but he's really one of us, he has been all along," cried Simmons. "Here, Brady, you're wanted." "At your service," said Jack merrily, and, breaking off his conversation with Trevelyan and Vickers, he joined the group of day-boys.

There was a password and he could not learn it, nor could the kind editor of the "Holborn" teach him. He sighed, and then sighed more piteously. For had he not known the password once known it and forgotten it already? But at this point his fortunes become intimately connected with those of Mr. Pembroke. In three years Mr. Pembroke had done much to solidify the day-boys at Sawston School.

And Henfrey backed out because he thought the risk of being sacked wasn't good enough." "That's an aspect of the thing that might occur to some people. I don't blame him I might feel like that myself if I'd got another couple of years at school." "But one or two day-boys are coming. Clephane is, for one. And Beverley. We shall have rather a rag. I'm going to get the things now."

According to custom we drove the day-boys in brave rout down the causeway from the school-porch even to the gate where Cop has his dwelling and duty. For it had long been fixed among us, who were of the house and chambers, that these same day-boys were all 'caddes, as we had discovered to call it, because they paid no groat for their schooling, and brought their own commons with them.