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As he reascended to the office, with him in the elevator were two gentlemen, one of whom he recognized as Dr. Angus McAllyn, a celebrated surgeon who had two or three times come to the office to see Mr. Brockelsby and the other as Dr. Lucius Darst, a young eye and ear specialist who within the space of but a few days had established his office in the building.

"Bah, they won't do nothin' uv the kind, Dick Dare!" cried a sneering voice at their side, and turning, the Dare youths saw Zeke Boggs and Lem Hicks, the sons of two Tory neighbors, standing there. "Uv course they won't," added Lem Hicks. "They don't darst. They know that ef they do, they'll git into trouble with King George. They won't ring no old Liberty Bell to-day."

"Oh, little booke how darst thou put thyself in press for drede?" We sat quietly waiting. I had drawn a chair near Desire. Phillida and Vere were together, chairs touching, her right hand curled into his left. Bagheera the cat had slipped into the room before the door was closed, and lay pressed against his mistress's stout little boot.

Tillie often whispered to herself with throbbing heart. "Please, Miss Margaret," said the child, "pop says to ast you will you give me the darst to go home till half-past three this after?" "If you go home till half-past three, you need not come back, honey it wouldn't be worth while, when school closes at four."

He had been punished twice in the week before. "Don't you darst to tell grandmother," he said as they were turning into Sudbury Street. "If you do I'll I'll" she was a girl, and he couldn't punch her "I won't take you on my sled." "No. I won't tell." "Honest and true? Hope to die?" "I'll say honest and true." "A little thing like that aint much, just two or three slaps.

What say you, Companion? ha, do you compare your Mrs with myne? howes that? such another word and thou darst, Sirrah! off with your Capp and doe her Reverence! wilt tell me soe? goe to, I say and I sayt; Ile make better languadge come out of that mouth of thine, thou wicked Carkasse.

He tells a story of a stream of black flies which came so thick and so fast pouring on, he looked as long as he darst to. Yet he can tell a good, big story yet, and when somebody was talking of turtles of good size, jumped up suddenly, "Did you ever see a terrapin, Sir?" and then walked round the long dining-table to tell how big he was and how high he stood on his feet.

Let them bury Mr. Brockelsby. He would dig him up. He laughed noiselessly in his intense relief. But hark, what does he hear? "Darst, this is an unusual case." "Yes?" said Dr. Darst mildly. "A strange, a remarkable case. Darst, if we do not examine this case, we are traitors to science. Darst, we must take him to the medical school.

Everywhere I go, I see posters up like this 'The Gates Ajar! 'The Gates Ajar! I'm sick to death of the sight of the durn thing; I haven't darst to ask what it is. Do tell a fellar! Is it a new kind of drink?" There was a "Gates Ajar" tippet for sale in the country groceries; I have fancied that it was a knit affair of as many colors as the jewels in the eternal portals, and extremely openwork.