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She did indeed free the Russians from the conventions of the classic ballet and but for her it is doubtful if we should have seen Scheherazade and Cléopâtre. Daphnis et Chloe, Narcisse, and L'Aprèsmidi d'un Faune bear her direct stamp. This then, aside from her own appearances, has been her great work. Of her celebrated school of dancing I cannot speak with so much enthusiasm.

But "Consuelo," "La Comtesse de Rudolstadt," "Lettres d'un voyageur," Lelia, Spiridion, Valvédre, Valentine, "History of her Life and letters," and many other books reveal her agonies and agitations, her hope and power, her love of beauty both outward and inward as represented in Consuelo herself, who is contrasted with the mere beautiful "animal" Anzoleto, the artist in his lowest form.

It looks to him like a kind of ridiculous assumption that anyone d'un cœur léger can do what has cost him his heart's blood. Robert understood something of the meaning of his tone, and replied almost apologetically; he was always singularly modest about himself on the intellectual side. 'Well, Grey is responsible.

We began, as you see, with melodrama; presently we descended to light comedy, playing Les Mémoires d'un Ane, Jean qui rit, and other works of the immortal Madame de Ségur. And then at last we turned a new leaf, and became naturalistic.

M. LE REDACTEUR: D'apres votre article dans la "New-York Tribune," copie du "Chicago News," je me figure que les habitants de Chicago ayant grand besoin d'un systeme de prononciation francaise, je prends la liberte de vous envoyer par la malle-poste le No. 2 d'un ouvrage que je viens de publier; si vous desirez les autres numeros, je me ferai un plaisir de vous les envoyer aussi.

A clear strong voice had broken joyously into song, and the words it sang were French: "C'est le Hasard, Qui, tot ou tard, Ici bas nous seconde; Car, D'un bout du monde A l'autre bout, Le Hasard seul fait tout."

Of these she records an instance in her pleasant Promenades autour d'un village, a lively sketch of a few days' walking-tour on the banks of the Creuse, undertaken by herself and some naturalist friends in June, 1857.

He considers them as objects of compassion, not of insult; he speaks to neither 'd'un ton brusque', but corrects the one coolly, and refuses the other with humanity. There is one occasion in the world in which 'le ton brusque' is becoming a gentleman. In short, 'les bienseances' are another word for MANNERS, and extend to every part of life.

"Commodore Kendall, are you going to wear that ribbon to Paris?" she asked, as Paul touched his cap to her. "Certainly I am. I should as soon think of going without my coat as without that," replied he. "But how absurd!" "Absurd? Vous ne pouvez pas faire un sifflet de la queue d'un cochon," added he, very seriously. "C'est vrai; but what has that to do with the ribbon?

588. Relation d'un Voyage de Barbarie, fait