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Your exercises of riding, fencing, and dancing, will civilize and fashion your body and your limbs, and give you, if you will but take it, 'l'air d'un honnete homme'. I will now conclude with suggesting one reflection to you; which is, that you should be sensible of your good fortune, in having one who interests himself enough in you, to inquire into your faults, in order to inform you of them.

The land and sea pirates, of whom I shall speak presently, are principally composed of ruined gamesters. Mallat describes them in glowing colors. A charming picture of Manila street life, full of local color, is given in the very amusing Aventures d'un Gentilhomme Breton.

After playing the first measures of the romance from Saul, she resumed the motive with more precision, and when she had finished the ritornello she began to sing, in a soft, veiled voice, "Assisa al pie d'un salice " Gerfaut had heard her sing this several times, in society, but never with this depth of expression. She sang before strangers with her lips; now it all came from her heart.

King who actually admitted me to the establishment is one Gianapolis; address unknown, but telephone number 18642 East. Make a note of him, that Gianapolis." "I'll arrest him in the morning," said Sowerby, writing furiously in his notebook. "Nom d'un p'tit bonhomme!

Believe me, therefore, my dear boy, never leave me" one would have said that he was replying to the secret thought of his young companion "remain faithfully on board my ship. The masts are firm; I have my bunkers full of coal. I swear to you that we shall go far, and quickly, nom d'un sort!"

I have begun another story entitled Histoire d'un coeur simple. But I have interrupted this work to make some researches on the period of Saint John the Baptist, for I want to describe the feast of Herodias. I hope to have my readings finished in a fortnight, after which I shall return to Croisset from which spot I shall not budge till winter, my long sessions at the library exhaust me.

Another of our neighbors here was Latour, the musical composer, to whom, though he was personally good-natured and kind to me, I owe a grudge, for the sake of his "Music for Young Persons," and only regret that he was not our next-door neighbor, when he would have execrated his own "O Dolce Concerto," and "Sul Margine d'un Rio," and all his innumerable progeny of variations for two hands and four hands, as heartily as I did.

After the tragedy a Bristolian Paganini performed a concerto on one string. Dall declares that the whole orchestra played the whole time but some sounds reached me in my dressing-room that were decidedly unique more ways than one, not at all unlike our favorite French fantasia "Complainte d'un cochon au lait qui rêve."

"Ah lady, lady mine," broke in the voice softly, "the night too is sweet, soft as thine eyes. Will you not greet me?" The girl made no sign. After a moment the song went on, "Trois filles d'un prince, Vole, mon coeur, vole! Trois filles d'un prince Sont endormies dessous." "Will not the princess leave her sisters of dreams?" whispered the voice, fantastically, "Will she not come?"

The list of her works runs as follows: 'Le Roman d'un Muet ; Un Divorce ; La Grande Sauliere ; Un remords ; Yette and Georgette ; Le Retour ; Tete folle ; Tony, ; Emancipee ; Constance ; Jacqueline . We need not enter into the merits of style and composition if we mention that 'Un remords, Tony, and Constance' were crowned by the French Academy, and 'Jacqueline' in 1893.