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The Eunuchus is reflected in the Bellamira of Sir Charles Sedley and Le Muet of Brueys; the Adelphi in Moliere's Ecole des Maris and Baron's L'Ecole des Peres; and the Phormio in Moliere's Les Fourberies de Scapin.

The other senses are imparted to it in turn, one by one, each adding a new group of ideas to the previous stock, until at length the mental equipment is complete. We may see the extent of the resemblance between Condillac's Statue and Diderot's muet de convention, but Diderot at least is free from the charge of borrowing.

By the Rue des Vieilles-Haudriettes we pass into the Rue Ste-Avoye; No. 63 is worth notice, several of the houses here having been the hôtels of nobility. No. 57 is the Hôtel St. Aignan, built by Le Muet; on its site stood the Hôtel de Montmorency, it is an extensive noble building, but has been spoiled by having had two stories added.

Rail at Cupid as much as you please to the men in public, par facon; but always remember for your private use, that love is essential to our existence in society. What is a woman when she neither loves nor is loved? a mere personage muet in the drama of life. Is it not from our lovers that we derive our consequence? Even a beauty without lovers is but a queen without subjects.

For example, at Commemoration to which festival "lions" from all quarters of the earth resorted in vast droves when one of this class was hard hit by the charms of some fair stranger, he never thought of expressing his admiration otherwise than by piteous looks, directed at her from an immense distance, out of shot for an opera-glass; when in her immediate vicinity his motto was that of the Breton baron mourir muet.

"Not so this bride elect, or I mistake her much," said the count, as they passed by the window, at Rundell and Bridges', and saw Lady Isabel, who, with Lady Dashfort, had been holding consultation deep with the jeweller; and Heathcock, playing personnage muet.

The list of her works runs as follows: 'Le Roman d'un Muet ; Un Divorce ; La Grande Sauliere ; Un remords ; Yette and Georgette ; Le Retour ; Tete folle ; Tony, ; Emancipee ; Constance ; Jacqueline . We need not enter into the merits of style and composition if we mention that 'Un remords, Tony, and Constance' were crowned by the French Academy, and 'Jacqueline' in 1893.

'Not so this bride elect, or I mistake her much, said the count, as they passed by the window and saw Lady Isabel, who, with Lady Dashfort, had been holding consultation deep with the jeweller; and Heathcock, playing PERSONNAGE MUET.

Germain, built by Le Muet, and retired into the country not to Dampierre, which would have only too vividly recalled to her remembrance the brilliant days of her past existence but to a modest dwelling at Gagny, near Chelles.

Jarvis turned to Leroy. "Can you describe it?" he asked. The biologist waved helpless hands, "C'est impossible!" he whispered. "Il me rend muet!" "It strikes me dumb, too," muttered Jarvis. "I don't know how to tell it; I'm a chemist, not a poet. Paradise is as good a word as I can think of, and that's not at all right. It was Paradise and Hell in one!" "Will you talk sense?" growled Harrison.