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The miseries and sufferings which follow our sins are self-inflicted, and for the most part automatic. 'Whatsoever a man soweth, that' and not some other crop 'will he also reap. The wages of sin are paid in ready money; and it is as just to lay them at God's door as it would be to charge Him with inflicting the disease which the dissolute man brings upon himself.

I tell you, Father, the code of the Southern gentleman won't work in Wall Street." "And I'll tell you why there are no Southern gentlemen," growled his father. The Silver Fleece was golden, for its prices were flying aloft. Mr. Caldwell told Colonel Cresswell that he confidently expected twelve-cent cotton. "The crop is excellent and small, scarcely ten million bales," he declared.

"Cap'n," said I, "please put away that-ar pistol, I don't like the looks of it, and I'll tell you all about us. We've been rebs and there ain't no use saying we weren't; but it's all up now, and we got home too late to put in a crop, so we just made up our minds to come down shore and see if we couldn't find something. It's all right, Cap'n; we've got our papers. Want to see 'em?

They are a paying crop, and a quick crop, giving cover sooner and of better quality than almost any other form of underwood, and are also very ornamental. It is true that they are cut yearly, but this is not till the shooting season is over. Meantime there is no covert which pheasants like so much as osier-beds, especially if they are near water.

At this juncture, Whitney invented the cotton-gin, and the growth of cotton as a marketable crop commenced upon a more extended scale. In a few years it became general each farmer growing more or less, according to his means. Some one man, most able to do so, erected a gin-house, first in a county, then in each neighborhood.

"So the telegraph clerk thought," returned Phil, "but when my City friend pointed out that Blastus was `the king's chamberlain' they were obliged to let the telegram go. `Blastus' stands for `superior quality, and `unholy' for `Offer is open for three days from time of despatch of telegram. Using the same code, if a merchant wants to ask a Calcutta friend the question `How is the coming crop as regards extent and appearance? he merely telegraphs the word `Hamlet. If he wishes to say `Bills of lading go forward by this mail, Invoices will follow, he has only to telegraph `Heretic. For the most part, the compilers of these codes seem to have used the words arbitrarily, for the word `Ellwood' has no visible connection with the words `Blue Velvet, which it represents; neither is there connection between `Doves' and `French Brandy, nor between `Collapse' and `Scotch Coals, though there does seem to have been a gleam of significance when they fixed on `Downward' to represent `Irish Whisky."

From the time they wint to live upon their farms, Tom was up early and down late, improving it paid attention to nothing else; axed every man's opinion as to what crop would be best for such a spot, and to tell the truth he found very few, if any, able to instruct him so well as his own brother Larry.

Thus the government and the private proprietor are alike losers in possessing an amount of unprofitable soil. Now, surely it is the common sense object in the establishment of a botanical garden to discover for each description of soil a remunerating crop, so that an estate should be cultivated to its uttermost, and the word "waste" be unknown upon the property.

After this interval the land is regarded as being almost as good as the virgin forest land, and has the advantage that the jungle on it can be more easily felled. But since no crop equals that obtainable from virgin soil, it is customary to include at least a small area of it in the operations of each year.

As it rises high, at the root of it the Indian pease are usually planted, which climb up its stalk like a vine, so that the lands yield a double crop. From the stem of maize large blades spring, which the planters carefully gather, and which, when properly cured, the horses or cattle will prefer before the finest hay.