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A day or two after Miss Stackpole's arrival she had made some invidious reflexions on American hotels, which excited a vein of counter-argument on the part of the correspondent of the Interviewer, who in the exercise of her profession had acquainted herself, in the western world, with every form of caravansary.

The coroner shot a searching glance at Britz. "If none of the suspects was at Whitmore's office, how could any of them have killed Whitmore?" "Mr. Whitmore was not killed in his office," said Britz firmly. "He was shot the night before." The words came like a stunning blow where a verbal counter-argument was expected.

We must eliminate this error, common to the scheme of the atheist and to that of the theist, if we would organize the truths which both contain, and present them together in one harmonious and symmetrical system; into a system which will enable us, not merely to stand upon the defensive, and parry off the attacks of the sceptic, but to enter upon his own territory, and demolish his strongholds; not merely to oppose his argument by a counter-argument, but to explode his sophism, and exhibit the cause of God in cloudless splendour.

Jack made no reply, but he felt some consolation from the counter-argument of the negro. The dreadful death of the three mutineers appeared to have had a sensible effect upon their companions, who walked away from the beach with their heads down and with measured steps. They were now seen to be perambulating the island, probably in search of that water which they required.

The backers of Otasite protested that it could not be thus held, since Wyejah's defective cast of the chungke-stone debarred their champion from the possibility of first scoring the eleventh point, which chance was his by right, it being his turn to play; they met the argument caviling at Otasite's lack of aim by the counter-argument that one does not aim at a moving object where it is at the moment, but with an intuitive calculation of distance and speed where it will be when reached by the projectile hurled after it, illustrating cleverly by the example of shooting with bow and arrow at a bird on the wing.

I've had the habit of regarding it as necessary to our naval supremacy. 'Come! there we agree. 'I'm not so certain. 'The counter-argument, I call treason. 'Well, said Beauchamp, 'there's a broad policy, and a narrow. There's the Spanish view of the matter if you are for peace and harmony and disarmament. 'I'm not. 'Then strengthen your forces. 'Not a bit of it!

To which I reply that so he does and so he did; but I add then the counter-argument that he came to us by way of Paris, at the conclusion of a round trip that started in the old Fourth Ward of the Borough of Manhattan, city of Greater New York; for he was born and bred on the East Side and, moreover, was born bearing the name of a race of kings famous in the south of Ireland and along the Bowery.

The gigantic bones have all turned out to be animal remains; even the skeleton twenty-five feet high and ten feet broad, which one savant wrote a book called "Gigantosteologia" to prove human, and another, a counter-argument, called "Gigantomachia," to prove animal, neither of the philosophers taking the trouble to draw a single fragment of the fossil.

"Ptolemy," she demanded, "where have your father and mother gone?" He came forward and replied in a voice somewhat smothered by cakes and sirup. "I don't know. They didn't say." "We can find out from the ticket-agent," I optimistically assured her. "They never bother to buy tickets. Pay on the train," Ptolemy explained. My legal habit of counter-argument asserted itself.

The counter-argument that "Whigs Eat dead pigs!" had no force in a pork-raising country like that; but it was urged, and there must have been Democratic boys to urge it. Still, they must have been few in number, or else my boy did not know them. At any rate, they had no club, and the Whig boys always had a club.