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'Evenings like these are worth a pilgrimage, Emma said, embracing Tony outside the drawing-room door. 'I am so glad I came: and if I am strong enough, invite me again in the Spring. To-morrow early I start for Copsley, to escape this London air. I shall hope to have you there soon.

Good heaven! how a nation with an atom of self-respect can go on standing that sort of bullying from foreigners! We do. We're insulted and we're threatened, and we call for a hymn! Now then, my man, what is it? The boy had flown back. 'Ninety-two marked, sir; ninety-nine runs; one more for the hundred. 'Well reckoned; and mind you're up at Copsley for the return match.

Percy Dacier seemed to her the more likely one, in that light, and she thought so still, after Sir Lukin had introduced him at Copsley for a couple of days of the hunting season. Tony's manner with him suggested it; she had a dash of leadership. They were not intimate in look or tongue.

'Lord! he cried, 'I been pitched a Somerset in my time, and taken up for dead, and that didn't beat me! Disasters of the present kind could hardly affect such a veteran. But he was painfully disconcerted by Redworth's determination not to entrust the ladies any farther to his guidance. Danvers had implored for permission to walk the mile to the town, and thence take a fly to Copsley.

He naturally supposed she was capable of conducting her affairs. And money! It soiled his memory: though the hour at Rovio was rather pretty, and the scene at Copsley touching: other times also, short glimpses of the woman, were taking. The flood of her treachery effaced them. And why reflect? Constance called to him to look her way. Diana's letter died hard.

THE CANTATRICE was not alluded to any more; but Emma's disapproval blocked the current of composition, already subject to chokings in the brain of the author. Diana stayed three days at Copsley, one longer than she had intended, so that Arthur Rhodes might have his fill of country air. 'I would keep him, but I should be no companion for him, Emma said.

So passing from the southern into the western road, they saw the town-lights beneath an amber sky burning out sombrely over the woods of Copsley, and entered the town, the postillion following. Diana was in the arms of her friend at a late hour of the evening, and Danvers breathed the amiable atmosphere of footmen once more, professing herself perished.

By the advice of her physician she was removed to Copsley, where Diana's labour of anxious nursing restored her through love to a saner spirit. The hopefulness of life must bloom again in the heart whose prayers are offered for a life dearer than its own to be preserved.

It helped to sustain her; and she was too conscious of things necessary for her sustainment to bring it to the light of day and examine it. She had a pitiful bit of pleasure in the gratification she imparted to Danvers, by informing her that the journey of the day was backward to Copsley. 'If I may venture to say so, ma'am, I am very glad, said her maid.

If you came to lead her out of it in triumph, the laugh 'd be with you, and the lady well covered. D' ye understand? The allusion to the dog's honeymoon had put Arthur Rhodes on the track of the darting cracker-metaphor. 'I think I do, he said. 'She will soon be at Copsley Lady Dunstane's house, on the hills and there we can see her.