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He's a queer man is daddy, an' putts things to ye in a queer way sometimes. `Timmy, says he to me once he calls me Timmy out o' fondness, you know `Timmy, says he, `if you comed up to a great thick glass wall, not very easy to see through, wi' a door in it, an' you was told that some day that door would open, an' you'd have to go through an' live on the other side o' that glass wall, you'd be koorious to know the lie o' the land on the other side o' that wall, wouldn't you, and what sort o' customers you'd have to consort wi' there, eh?

"Gibault," said Bounce emphatically, "did you fire at all?" "Non, pour certain, cause de gun he not go off." "Then," continued Bounce, handing the much-coveted necklace to Bertram, "the thing b'longs to you, sir, for that bar comed up wounded, an' as he couldn't ha' wounded hisself, you must ha' done it there."

She had learned her lesson thoroughly enough; she felt she could not live without him now, and when he kissed her she did not start from the caress, but opened her eyes and looked into his face with great yearning love. "Oh, thank the good God you'm comed back agin to me! To think it be awnly two lil days! An' the time have seemed a hunderd years.

"Goold! goold! goold!" cried the excited Irishman, plucking a little bag from his breast, leaping off his horse, and pouring the contents a mass of glittering lumps and particles on a flat stone. "Didn't I tell ye I was born to make my fortin' out o' goold? There's plenty more where that comed from. Come back an' I'll show 'ee the place!"

The remarkable sight of Aunt Prudence kissing Randy made a great impression upon Prue. "If I goed to Boston, Aunt Prudence, would you kiss me when I comed back?" she asked. "Why bless ye, Prue, I'll kiss ye now, 'thout yer havin' ter go away," and she did, much to Prue's delight.

Provided also that the said Robert Plumpton shall beare the charges of the said John Yaxley, as well at York as at Nottingham and Derby, and also to content and pay the said money to the said John Yaxley comed to the said assizes att Nott., Derb., and York.

'Harold told me there were pictures and marble people up here with nothing on, and everything, and that's why I comed that and to bring you some cherries. I like pictures. Can I see them? Jerry said. 'Yes, you shall see them, Arthur replied; and he led her into the room where Gretchen's picture looked at them from the window. 'Oh, my! Jerry exclaimed, with bated breath, 'Ain't she lovely!

The sullen, stealthy face disgusted Holmes. He nodded, shortly. "Yoh've been kind to my little girl while I was gone," he said, catching his breath. "I thank yoh, master." "You need not. It was for Lois." "'Twas fur her I comed back hyur. 'Twas a resk," with a dumb look of entreaty at Holmes, "but fur her I thort I'd try it. I know 'twas a resk; but I thort them as cared fur Lo wud be merciful.

He'd comed in one night, an' sate him down afore he could speak, he were so done up; he'd been on tramp this many a day, a reckon. "Can yo' give me a bed?" says he, panting like, after a bit. "A chap as a met near here says as yo've a lodging for t' let." "Ay," says a, "a ha' that; but yo' mun pay me a shilling a week for 't."

This, with the most thrilling emphasis. "That's very sad! But you can't say you never had a father," persisted Helmsley. "You had him before he was drowned?" "No, I 'adn't," said Prue. "'E never comed 'ome at all. When 'e seed me 'e didn't know me, 'e was that blind droonk.