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And the fierce voices sang: "'Dansons la Carmagnole! Dansons la Carmagnole! Ça ira! Ça ira! Tous les cochons

He carried a small fiddle and spoke volubly without regarding the presence of Miles. "Oh, these cochons of English, my dear," he exclaimed to Peggy, "so steef so wood-steef in the limbs. Wis 'em I kin do noozzn', no, not a leetle bit. Zey would make ze angils swear. Ah, mon Dieu, quel dommage I haf to teach zem."

He did not, however, contradict himself in one statement: "Les francais sont des cochons" to which we heartily agreed, and which won him the approvel of the Hollanders. The next day I had my hands full acting as interpreter for "le noir qui comprends pas francais." I was summoned from the cour to elucidate a great grief which Jean had been unable to explain to the Gestionnaire.

So the ball is started and goes rolling from one man to another in the ranks, growing in audacity and wallowing along filthy ways of thought, until the sous-officier, who had been grinning under his kepi, suddenly turns red with anger and growls out a protest. "Taisez-vous, cochons. Foutez-moi la paix!"

At dessert everyone present was expected to pronounce an epigram or sing a song; and when the turn came to Desaugiers, he rose, cleared his throat, looked around with a twinkle in his eye, and thundered forth "Des Cochons, des Cochons." The pork-butchers bridled up, grew red about the cheeks and temples, believing that an insult was intended, when Desaugiers proceeded with his song:

With a long intake and a discharge of the breath he imitated the sibilant flight of the projectiles and followed it up with a duck of his head over the counterpane. He extended his arms in a wide sweep to show the crater they make and indicated the height of the leaping earth. "Quinze mètres comme ça, monsieur! Les Allemands? Ah! cochons! And they shoot execrably.

On the other hand, it must be admitted that the British Officers, with their unfailing politeness and good spirits, made no small impression on them. The Subaltern once heard the old lady say to her husband "Eh! Mon vieux, quelle différence! Ils sont si gentils, si polis ... et les autres.... Ach! Les cochons!" "What an impertinence," he thought, "to compare us!"

Les cochons etant faits pour etre manges, nous mangeons du porc toute l'annee." At Athens the laws did not constantly interfere with the tastes of the people. The children were not taken from their parents by that universal step-mother, the state.

A gentleman told me, that in travelling through the mountains, he was obliged to pass a night in the cottage of one of these rusticated nobles, who called to his son in the evening, "Chevalier, as-tu donne a manger aux cochons?" "Have you fed the Hogs, Sir Knight?" This, however, is not the case with the noblesse of Nice.

This time the authorities went so far as to ask the heroic captain to what branch of the English army he was at present attached; to which Jean first replied "parle pas francais, moi," and immediately after announced that he was a Lord of the Admiralty, that he had committed robberies in Paris to the tune of sees meel-i-own franc, that he was a son of the Lord Mayor of London by the Queen, that he had lost a leg in Algeria, and that the French were cochons.