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My Father was coming into the Chamber, and had like to have taken Cinthio with me, when, to conceal him, I put him into your Closet, not knowing of Charmante's being there, and which, in the dark, he took for a Gallant of mine; had not my Father's Presence hinder'd, I believe there had been Murder committed; however they both escap'd unknown. Scar. Pshaw, is that all? Enter Mopsophil. Mop.

Bellemante, Harlequin, Cinthio's Man, Mr. Jevern. Officer and Clerk. Elaria, Daughter to the Doctor, Mrs. Cooke. Bellemante, Niece to the Doctor, Mrs. Mumford. Florinda, Cousin to Elaria and Bellemante. Mopsophil, Governante to the young Ladies, Mrs. Cory. The Persons in the Moon, are Don Cinthio, Emperor; Don Charmante, Prince of Thunderland.

I cannot conceive thee, but the Design must be good, since Cinthio and Charmante own it. Scar. In order to this, Charmante is dressing himself like one of the Caballists of the Rosycrusian Order, and is coming to prepare my credulous Master for the greater Imposition. I have his Trinkets here to play upon him, which shall be ready. Ela. But the Farce, where is it to be acted? Scar.

At Covent Garden, where it was billed 'not acted 10 years', and produced as a first piece at considerable expense with magnificent decorations, Cushing played Harlequin; Dunstall, Scaramouch; Sparks, Baliardo; Ryan, Charmante; Delane, Cinthio; Peg Woffington, Bellemante; and the Bellamy, Elaria. It was, however, a dead failure and only acted twice.

Both were produced in the metre of the original the octave stanza, which, however, did not at that period take root in England. At the same period the works of many of the Italian novelists, especially Bandello and Cinthio and Boccaccio, were translated into English; Painter's 'Palace of Pleasure' being a treasure-house of Italian works of fiction.

I shall, Sir, and see, here's your Key you look'd for. Doct. Charmante peeps out and by degrees comes all out, listning every step. Char. As he is gone off, enter Cinthio groping. Cin. Now for this lucky Rival, if his Stars will make this last part of his Adventure such. Enter Elaria with a Light. Ela. Ha, Cinthio here? Cin. Ela. Prithee hear me. Cin. Ela.

I am, and these are Gentlemen of Quality, That long have lov'd your Daughter and your Niece; Don Cinthio this, and this is Don Charmante, The Vice-Roy's Nephews both. Who found as Men 'twas impossible to enjoy 'em, And therefore try'd this Stratagem. Cin. Sir, I beseech you, mitigate your Grief, Although indeed we are but mortal Men, Yet we shall love you, serve you, and obey you. Doct.

Machiavelli, again, who conversed with Cesare Borgia about this turning-point in his career, gave no hint of poison, but spoke only of son and father being simultaneously prostrated by disease. The story is related by Cinthio in his Ecatommithi, December 9, November 10. Florence, Le Monnier. Gregorovius thinks the question still open. Villari decides in favor of fever against poison.

Enter Scaramouch, peeping on all sides before he enters. You may advance, and fear none but your Friends. Scar. Away, and keep the door. Ela. Oh, dear Scaramouch! hast thou been at the Vice-Roy's? Scar. Ela. And hast thou delivered my Letter to his Nephew, Don Cinthio? Scar. Yes, yes, what should I deliver else? Ela. Well and how does he? Scar. Lord, how should he do? Ela. Why, well he shou'd do.

I cannot but suspect that some other had new modelled the novel of Cynthio, or written a story which in some particulars resembled it, and that Cinthio was not the authour whom Shakespeare immediately followed. The Emperour in Cinthio is named Maximine, the Duke, in Shakespeare's enumeration of the persons of the drama, is called Vincentio.