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It's a cinch so far as I know. But Sharpe! Why, say, Bobby, all the words I'd want to use to tell you about him have been left out of the dictionary so they could send it through the mails." Bobby frowned. The certain method to have him make allowances for a man was to attack that man. When he arrived at the Idlers' Club at noon, however, he was given another opportunity for Christian charity.

Next thing happens is Lorson opens up Fort Duggan, and puts the tough in. So the boys are guessin'. There sure is some sort of murder behind it. Lorson don't miss things. His chances are mostly a cinch." "Yes, he's pretty wise." The thoughtful eyes of the trail man were turned on the sides of the glowing stove so that the saloon-keeper had no chance of observing them.

Foyle watched them go, dancing, stumbling, calling back at him, as they moved toward the Prairie Home Hotel: "And he'll soon and he'll soon cinch you!" His under-lip came out, his eyes half closed, as he watched them. "I've done my last cinch. I've done my last cinch," he murmured.

Now do you see?" He turned away to the window and stood looking absently at the brown hillside, his hands thrust deep into his pockets. "And there's Fred De Garmo, with his new job, ranging around the country just aching to cinch somebody and show his authority. It's a matter of days almost. He'd like nothing better than to get a whack at Man, even if the Wishbone "

So he goes around, naturally, and asks her if the game is still square. Well, nobody wants a guy cutting in with buggies and gold bonds when he's got an option on a girl. Well, he goes around to see her. Well, maybe he's hot, and talks like the proprietor, and forgets that an engagement ain't always a lead-pipe cinch. Well, I guess that makes Alice warm under the lacy yoke.

Skag stepped to Kala Khan's side, lifted the leather fender, slipped the cinch, and let the light hunting saddle slide over, releasing Ian Deal. Then he sprang to Nels, calling as he caught up the fallen lance: "Coming, old man coming to you!" Nels on his feet was bent to the task the tusker sprawling, the piggy haunches settling flat. ". . . So, it's all done, son," the man said softly.

You've got 'em running around in circles and uttering loud and plaintive cries, especially Jim Rankin, who had or thought he had a lead-pipe cinch on the job. Dortscher is tickled half to death. He knew he wasn't going to be allowed to succeed himself, and he hates Rankin worse than poison." Blount was balancing the spoon on the edge of his coffee-cup and scowling abstractedly.

"It seems to have insinuated itself beneath this guy's thick skull," replied the poetical one, "and it's a cinch my verses, nor any other would ever get there." The tramp who had plumbed the depths of the creek's foot of water and two feet of soft mud was crawling ashore. "Whadda YOU want now?" inquired Billy Byrne. "A piece o' soap?"

When I slapped him on the jaw, and he stood there and took it, I saw his game. He had a witness to swear I hit him and he didn't hit back. And when I saw them Dots in our field again, I knew, just as well as if Dunk had told me, that he was kinda hoping we'd kill a herder or two so he could cinch us good and plenty.

Why, there's a hundred thousand quick money in this." "If Wharton had done the shooting or Merkle yes." "What's the difference who did it? Why, it's a cinch. Get this! Lilas comes home broke. She's sick, and sees the undertaker flirting with her, so she decides to spill the whole story and take the consequences understand? It's conscience." Mr. Melcher laughed lightly at his little joke.