United States or Cabo Verde ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

She was the only person not already seated before a class, and they naturally judged that she was to be their next victim. They looked at her and then at one another, and winked and coughed and sneezed and nudged elbows and giggled outright, every one of them, meantime chewing tobacco with all their might, and expectorating freely wherever he judged it would be most offensive.

For an instant he glanced about him, seemed to hesitate, as does a bit of driftwood blocked in the current; then, with a sudden straightening of his shoulders, he wheeled and threaded his way down-town. At Herald Square, he mounted with an aimless air a flight of low steps, peered though the windows, and listened to the crunch of the presses chewing the cud of the day's news.

He comes here for what he wants to ate and dhrink, and I suppose the house is free to him as another. If not we'd betther just shut up the front door." After which she tossed herself up and began to wipe her glasses in a rather dignified manner. Mr. O'Dwyer sat smoking his pipe and chewing the cud of his reflections. "They ain't afther no good, I'm sure of that."

What are you going to do to-day? You possess a mind organized for practically unlimited thinking and studying. How many of your hours do you live as a thinking, studying man? How many do you live on a par with an ox chewing his cud in the field? The ox does not waste HIS time. It is his business to grow fat and produce beef. He uses every hour.

A fainter detonation announced the whirlwind passage through the outer office. Footsteps died away down the corridor. Sally looked at Miss Winch, stunned. A roused and militant Fillmore was new to her. Miss Winch took out the stick of chewing-gum again and unwrapped it. "Isn't he cute!" she said. "I hope he doesn't get the soft kind," she murmured, chewing reflectively. "The soft kind."

He had fled for refuge to his state-room and was lying in the lower berth, chewing the pillow, a soul in torment. There was a tap at the door. Sam sat up dizzily. He had lost all count of time. "Who's that?" "I have a note for you, sir." It was the level voice of J. B. Midgeley, the steward.

"When this offering was concluded, which lasted a quarter of an hour, the natives sat down fronting us, and began to cut up the baked hog, to peel the vegetables and break the cocoanuts; whilst others employed themselves in brewing the awa, which is done by chewing it in the same manner as at the Friendly Islands.

Give me three sportsman's guesses; my hunting-knife against the wheat straw you are chewing!" "With pleasure," I said, amused, "but you could scarcely guess it." "Your name is Varick?" I shook my head. "Butler?" "No. Look sharp to your knife, friend." "Oh, then I have guessed it," he said, coolly; "your name is Ormond and I'm glad of it." "Why are you glad of it?"

The individual who sat clipping and slicing as aforesaid at the Rowdy Journals, was a small young gentleman of very juvenile appearance, and unwholesomely pale in the face; partly, perhaps, from intense thought, but partly, there is no doubt, from the excessive use of tobacco, which he was at that moment chewing vigorously.

The more delicate Highlander carries the snuff to his nose on a little shovel. This can be surpassed only by the habit of "dipping," peculiar to some women of the United States, and whose details will not bear description. Chewing prevails par excellence in our own country, and among the sailors of most nations, to some extent also in Switzerland, Iceland, and among the Northern races.