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Cathro could not see them, but a foot-board was nailed to it, and when he stood on this, as he had an aggravating trick of doing, softly and swiftly, they were suddenly in view. A large fire had been burning all day and the atmosphere was soporific. Mr.

All Cathro could do, however, was to wish Peter well in some ornate sentences, while Tommy's was a letter that only a tender woman's heart could have indited, with such beautiful touches about the days which are no more alas forever, that Betsy listened to it with heaving breast and felt so sorry for her old swain that, forgetting she had never loved him, she all but gave Andrew the go-by and returned to Peter.

As they were preparing to leave the school, the door opened a little and there appeared in the aperture the face of Tommy, tear-stained but excited. "I ken the word now," he cried, "it came to me a' at once; it is hantle!" The door closed with a victorious bang, just in time to prevent Cathro "Oh, the sumph!" exclaimed Mr. Lauchlan McLauchlan, "as if it mattered what the word is now!"

He will give no more trouble to-night; and the victor turns to the Lady Grizel, who had been repinning the silk scarf across her breast, while the issue of the combat was still in doubt. "My liege, thou hast saved me from the wretch Cathro." "May I always be near to defend thee in time of danger, my pretty chick." "By being my wife. "Nay, I summoned thee here to tell thee that can never be.

He said to her, 'When I am away, try for a whole day to be better than you ever were before, and think of nothing else, and then when prayer-time comes you will see that you have been happy without knowing it. Fancy his finding out that." "I wonder if he ever tried it himself?" said Mr. McLean. "Ivie, think shame of yourself!" "Well, even Cathro admits that he has a kind of cleverness, but "

That prodigy never did come, though it was not for want of nursing, and there came at least, in succession most maddening to Mr. Cathro, a row of youths who could be trained to carry the Hugh Blackadder. Mr. Ogilvy's many triumphs in this competition had not dulled his appetite for more, and depressed he was at the prospect of a reverse. That it was coming now he could not doubt.

"Ay, and I understood you to say that he should meet his match in you." "Did I ever say that, man? Well, well, we live and learn." "What has he been doing now?" "What has he been doing!" echoed Cathro. "He has been making me look foolish in my own class-room. Ogilvy, Mr. Ogilvy will be able to cap it with the story of how the little whelp diddled me.

"Say you so?" asked Cathro, suspiciously; "does he leave what he writes lying about, Aaron?" "No, but he takes it to you, does he no'?" "Not him," said the Dominie, emphatically. "I may be mistaken, Aaron, but I'm doubting the young whelp is at his tricks again." The Dominie was right, and before many days passed he discovered what was Tommy's new and delicious occupation. For years Mr.

"And even while you blubbered you were saying to yourself, 'What a clever billie I am!" Mr. Cathro had certainly intended to end the scene with the strap, but as he stretched out his hand for it he had another idea. "Do you know why Nether Drumgley's sheep are branded with the letters N.D.?" he asked his pupils, and a dozen replied, "So as all may ken wha they belong to." "Precisely," said Mr.

Cathro, grimly, "I can wait," and this had such a helpful effect that Tommy was able presently to speak up for his misdeeds. They consisted of some letters written at home but brought to the school for private reading, and the Dominie got a nasty jar when he saw that they were all signed "Betsy Grieve." Miss Betsy Grieve, servant to Mr.