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From Salt Lake City he wired an order for two carloads of larch rustic and in Ogden he managed to inveigle a retail yard with which Mr. Skinner had been trying to do business for years, into sampling a carload of skunk spruce boards, random lengths and grades, at a dollar above the price given him by Skinner.

If you ate a carload of watermelons in nine days, what part of a carload would you eat in one day?" At the mention of her favorite fruit, Matilda's eyes glistened, her features relaxed into a broader smile, and almost before the teacher had finished she had her answer ready and gave a correct analysis. Watermelons had won.

Nothing is more criminal hereabouts than a waste of time; and it is no wonder, then, that the crême de la crême of our élite lift up their hands, and groan, when they discover that it takes as long to play a classic symphony as it does to slaughter a carload of Missouri razor-backs, or an invoice of prairie-racers from Kansas.

Labor organizations, like bands of Indians, are ever at each other's throats. When the Knights of Labor struck on the Reading those haughty aristocrats of the working world, the Engineers' Brotherhood, took their places, and now the Knights of Labor engineers are coming here in carload lots to fill the cabs of the Burlington.

I went to Ontario this summer and spent a month begging from people who have very little to spare. The response was generous I've a carload of shiplap lumber coming out; but you may understand how that adds to one's responsibility." "It's obvious. I suppose you know you're up against a strong opposition?" "That's true, unfortunately." The clergyman looked thoughtful.

Well, it seemed a shame to go by the Indian Territory, and allow those poor Indians to break their backs carrying money around, and so we sent a carload of bill pasters into the territory and billed towns that would hold us about a week, and we figured that we would clean up enough money to last us all a life-time.

A carload of cement from here, gravel from the river, and a dozen Kennard carpenters to knock together gate and drop frames no trick to crack that nut. Frost, lad, frost! It's the thing to set us groaning." Bryant sat down and put his hand on the speaker's knee. "Pat, if we go into this thing and put it through, there will be a good fat bonus for you." "Maybe there will be and maybe there won't.

Barbed wire by the carload was purchased sufficient to build one hundred miles of four-strand fence, and arrangements were made to have the same freighted one hundred and fifty miles inland by wagon from the railway terminal to the new ranch on Quartermaster Creek.

Sherman would like anything better than to have 'em make a stand somewhere so that he could get a good fair whack at 'em." No one can imagine the effect of all this upon us. It was better than a carload of medicines and a train load of provisions would have been. From the depths of despondency we sprang at once to tip-toe on the mountain-tops of expectation.

"All right," said Frances, suppressing another sigh. "And I'm going to send off for half a carload of potted palms, and other plants. We'll decorate like the Town Hall. You'll see!" exclaimed the old ranchman, as eager as a boy about it all. Frances hadn't the heart to make any objection, but she was afraid that the affair would be a disappointment to him.