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"Been at home pining for some place to go," said Ernestine drawing the sewing from Bea's hand, and leaning over into that sister's lap with a caressive gesture. "Say Bea, dear, Miss Neilson is going to be in New York next week, and I want you to ask pa if he won't take us again; won't you?" "Not fair," cried Kat; "this is our turn." "You, indeed; nothing but children! Will you, Bea?

The baby is a beast, a very soft, tender, caressive beast, a beast full of promise, a beast with the germ of an angel, but a beast still. A week-old baby gives no more sign of intelligence, of love, or ambition, or hope, or fear, or passion, or purpose, than a week-old monkey, and is not half so frisky and funny. In fact, it is a puling, scowling, wretched, dismal, desperate-looking animal.

'Only when he's shamming dead, said the young woman, looking at her young man with caressive tenderness of authority. 'Aw, there's a difference, he said satirically. 'What about the chair? said Birkin. 'Yes, all right, said the woman. They trailed off to the dealer, the handsome but abject young fellow hanging a little aside. 'That's it, said Birkin.

She looked back at him, with her fine blue eyes, and signalled full into his spirit, as she said, her voice ringing with intimacy almost caressive now it was addressed to him: 'Of course, it doesn't matter in the LEAST. The bond was established between them, in that look, in her tone.

Ay 'er's bin northeast sin 'er seed you a Wednesday. 'Father, do stop talking. You'd wear the leg off an iron pot. I can't think where you've found your tongue, all of a sudden, said Maggie, with caressive sharpness. 'Ah've found it wheer I lost it. Aren't goin' ter come in an' sit thee down, Alfred? But Alfred turned and disappeared.

It had come in a moment, wakened into quivering being by the caressive notes of the dear French voice "mais je suis jeune, et mon coeur est gueri, et il lui manque affreusement de la foi, de la tendresse, de de" adorable catch of emotion "de l'amitie." Friendship, indeed! For amitie all but her lips said amour. He walked beneath the wintry stars, a man in a perfect dream.

His mind was gone, he grasped for sufficient mechanical control, to save himself. She laughed a silvery little mockery, yet intolerably caressive. 'That's one way of putting it, she said. The terrible swooning burden on his mind, the awful swooning, the loss of all his control, was too much for him. He grasped her arm in his one hand, as if his hand were iron.

Something deep, deep at the bottom of him hovered upon her, cleaved to her. Yet he was as if sightless, in a stupor. Who was she, what was she? He had lost all his grasp. Only he sat there, with his face turned to hers, or to her, all the time. And she talked to him. But she never looked at him. Indeed she said little. It was the husband who talked. His manner towards Aaron was almost caressive.

Gleams from the altar-lamps seven? Can you tell? Is it the glare of a fire? Is it the breaking of day? Birth lights, or funeral pyre? Who shall say? April 19, 1886. With the Gods Sweet lengths of shore with sea between, Sweet gleams of tender blue and green, Sweet wind caressive and unseen, Soft breathing from the deep;

The young cat turned to look at her, then, with his slow and stately walk he advanced to her side. 'Vieni vieni qua, Hermione was saying, in her strange caressive, protective voice, as if she were always the elder, the mother superior. 'Vieni dire Buon' Giorno alla zia. Mi ricorde, mi ricorde bene non he vero, piccolo? E vero che mi ricordi?