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The steamer gets paid a shilling a day, and grubs and berths you accordingly, and you earn your 'bacca money by bumming around the galley and helping the cook peel spuds. Or else, if you don't like that, you can do the sensible thing, and step into the billet I offer you." "By James!" said Kettle, "who's going to turn me out of Lagos; tell me that, sir?" "Don't get wrathful with me.

I was requested, by a negro who had just experienced one of these escapades, to write a letter for him to his home people. He dictated as follows: * "My dear Wife: I take this opportunity of taking you down a few words and telling you of the terrible bumming we was under yesterday. The shells fell fast as hail and lightened as from a cloud, and we had a smart run.

This has been rushing season and we had to do the entertaining stunt a lot, and Pellams would give any crowd the look of bumming. We really do work hard the rest of the year." "Oh, no," said Walt, "it isn't anything like that, Cap." "There's somebody in the gang that you don't like, then; somebody that you don't know well and don't understand. Isn't that so? Who is it? You ought to tell me."

But I thought there was a false note in the laughter of more than one. "Oh, of course," remarked Slinker with indignant irony, "me and Horny ain't interested in this at all. We jest stayed bumming round camp here 'cause we was tired.

Now they were going to run him for leader next year. He sat on his window ledge listening. The side of the Hall stretched away from him, four tiers of light where the fellows were at work or were bumming away the week-night. Through the opened windows came the low tone of many conversations, stirred now and then by a "rough-house" note.

So in the dark odorous hay-mow Mr. Wrenn stretched out his legs with an affectionate "good night" to Morton. He slept nine hours. When he awoke, at the sound of a chain clanking in the stable below, Morton was gone. This note was pinned to his sleeve: DEAR OLD MAN, I still feel sure that you will not enjoy the hiking. Bumming is not much fun for most people, I don't think, even if they say it is.

"Two years," repeated Payne slowly. "Jim, it seems like a lifetime to me, and it doesn't seem real. The other did bridgebuilding, irrigation, timber cruising. That was living." "That was bumming, and you know it!" protested Tibbetts. "That was kid stuff; it was your way of sowing your wild oats. How much money did you have when it was over?

When they struck a new town at the beginning of each week Freddy and Florette would go bumming and see all the sights, whether it was Niagara Falls or just the new Methodist Church in Cedar Rapids. Freddy would have been sorry for little boys who had to stay in one home all the time that is, if he had known anything at all about them.

To see one huge fellow, as big as three ordinary ones with pieces of red and yellow about him, as if he were the beadle of all bee-dom, and overgrown in consequence to see him, I say, down in a little tuft of white clover, rolling about in it, hardly able to move for fatness, yet bumming away as if his business was to express the delight of the whole creation was a sight!

I did not refuse them, nor shall you refuse me now. I always said to Mr Trotter, 'Go to a lawyer; and if he had taken my advice he would have done well. I recollect, when a hackney-coachman smashed the panel of our carriage 'Trotter, says I, 'go to a lawyer; and he very politely answered, 'Go to the devil! But what was the consequence! he's dead and I'm bumming.