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If I cannot go then, and that is possible, I may take the Cecelia, and make the Caribbean trip. It's a little longer, but on my return I would join Dorothy and Mrs. Trevor, crossing directly from Bermuda to Florida. It's absurd, isn't it, to play the invalid! But insomnia is really getting its hold on me. A good sleep would be a novelty just now, and bromides depress me, so there you are!

"Bromides are grand for the nerves," he observed cuttingly, "but you're too young to need 'em and I want none now.... Listen to me." Briefly he told his story. "Well, but the telegram?" Peter insisted. "Does it help tell you anything? It's maddening to think Marian may be in the power of that bloodthirsty !" "There you go again!"

"If you are going to keep bothering your head about the effect of your actions on other people, might as well give up at the start and be a nice little sheep. The game isn't worth the candle. "Besides, there's more humbug in that than any of the other bromides, weak natures prate about. Most people in this world have got to look out for themselves.

It is all right only it will be to-night instead of last night. You understand. There's a good time coming once the old woman is dead and out of the way. No one can possibly bring home the crime to me. That idea of yours about the bromides was a stroke of genius! But we must be very circumspect. A false step "Here, my friends, the letter breaks off.

I want to marry with all the bloom on and all my illusions fresh." "But should you like to have them rubbed off by your husband? You've heard the old adage: 'marry in haste and repent " "I've been brought up on adages. They are called bromides now. As for illusions, everybody says they don't last anyway.

I'm afraid you've been rather bored. Illness is always boring." "I can only have one mother," said Alice. Palgrave felt the need of a cigarette. Alice, admirable as she was, had a fatal habit, he thought, of uttering bromides. And she instantly regretted the remark. She knew that way of his of snapping his cigarette case.

The mother-liquor containing bromides is treated with a current of chlorine gas, which decomposes these salts, setting the bromine free, which at once colors the liquid to a reddish brown color. Ether is added and shaken with the liquid, until all the bromine is taken up by the ether, which acquires a fine red color and separates from the saline liquid.

The main indication in treatment is to secure sleep, and this is done by the administration of bromides, chloral, or paraldehyde, or of one or other of the drugs of which sulphonal, trional, and veronal are examples. Heroin in doses of from 1/24th to 1/12th grain is often of service. Morphin must be used with great caution. In some cases hyoscin (1/200

Sloane trembled and shook until Jarvis, more agile than the angels of whom his employer had spoken, gave him the dose of bromides. Still, Mr. Hastings did not retire. "I was going to say," he resumed, in a tone devoid of compassion, "I couldn't drop this thing now. I may be able to find the murderer; and you may be able to help me." "Yes." "Isn't it Russell?

It seems to be Wilmer Mr. Vail." She had not opened the door, but stood, nervously twisting her fingers, before it. "The bromides had no effect?" She glanced helplessly at the others. "None," she said, after a moment. Elsa Lee wheeled suddenly and glanced scornfully at her sister. "Why don't you tell him?" she demanded. "Why don't you say you didn't give the bromides?" "Why not?" Mrs.