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Laura, who at first had made a quick movement forward, as if to bar his further progress, fell back, terrified. Putting her coat, bag and umbrella down on a chair, she stood, dazed and trembling, powerless to avert the crisis which she realized was at hand. Madison, who had watched the broker's actions with amazement, suddenly grew rigid as a statue.

He had one great advantage in the sweepstakes of life: he was not handicapped with any burdensome ideals. He took everything at its marked value. He accepted the standard of the street as a final fact for to-day, like the broker's list of prices. His whole plan of life was laid out. He knew that law was the best introduction to political life, and he meant to use it for this end.

I must have fallen into a kind of stupor. I do not know how long I had remained in this position and condition, whether minutes or hours; but when at last I roused myself, and looked about, a singular thing had happened. The inspector had gone. The watchman had gone. I was alone in the broker's office. And I was locked in.

It is that boy who was with me when I first met you, Mr. Reynolds." The broker's face cleared. "Yes, I remember him. But how do you happen to know Tom Calder, Mr. Ford?" "He had a room at the same house with me. He introduced himself as a friend of this boy." "Do you know anything of him how he earns his living?" "Haven't the faintest idea," answered Ford.

"Who is he?" he asked hoarsely. And she answered smiling, "A perfectly nice young man named Sloane." "Don't, Laura tell me! What does he do?" "He's in a broker's office junior member of the firm, Oh, you needn't worry, dear, he can even afford to marry me." They heard a ring at the front door. "There he is now, I think," she said. "Will you see him? Would you mind?" "See him?

Within two minutes over three hundred boys a boy from every broker in the street rushed up-stairs and crowded the long aisle and office, that hardly had room for one hundred, all yelling that such and such a broker's wire was out of order and to fix it at once. It was pandemonium, and the man in charge became so excited that he lost control of all the knowledge he ever had.

"No doubt the paper has been destroyed, but not by me. Quite by accident, I judge." His cousin let off a bomb beneath the broker's feet. "You'll be glad to know that the paper wasn't destroyed," he said. "I have it, with a translation, in my pocket at the present moment." James clutched the arms of his chair. His knuckles grew white with the strain.

He acquired this "bargain" in the late fall without benefit of real estate dealer. In fact, he boasted of his acumen to a broker who had originally shown him several other pieces of property in the section. "I told you there were cheaper places," he chortled, "and the owner gave me the advantage of the broker's commission, too. Come out next spring and see what a bargain I found."

'So I have made arrangements to fetch you home at once. Dispose of superfluous things at a broker's; your bringing them would only make a talk in this parish, and lead people to believe we had long been keeping house separately. 'Will next Monday suit you for coming?

North, though a trusted employee, was human. On arriving in the outer office he beckoned to one of the lounging brokers, and in a low voice said, "I'll take two shares of Wide West, if you can get it cheap." The broker's face became alert and eager. "Yes, but I say, is anything up?" "I'm not here to give the business of the bank away," retorted North severely; "take the order or leave it."