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Will you all stand loyally by Reade, take his orders and help boost him and all the rest of us through to victory in this big game?" "I will!" spoke Jack Rutter earnestly and with a deep sigh of relief. The others added their promises. "Reade, you will take full charge here," continued Timothy Thurston. "Notify Mr. Howe, too, at once.

Max Vogel lifted the box of cheap jewelry; and both he and the boy came behind to boost the old man up on the stage step. But with a nettled look he leaped up to evade them, tottered half-way, and then, light as a husk of grain, got himself to his seat and scowled at the schoolmaster.

The fellow who has been handling thousands of dollars in college management and running twenty assistants the man who could have taken the place has no father to give him the boost necessary, and the other man's failure has queered his chances. He has to go to work as a mere clerk under a man excuse me, I don't want to do any knocking."

He had jumped higher and run faster than anyone else in school, not so much because he was quick and light and agile, but because, having found out that he could run and jump and put up a good boost for the team at other sports, he practiced every spare moment he could find. Zaidos was always trying to see if he could break his own records. He got a lot of fun out of it.

"Maybe we'll have to, walk to the end of the gulch." "Wait, perhaps I can climb out if one of you will give me a boost," said the doctor's son. The others were willing to have Shep make the trial, and Snap and Whopper put down their guns and aided him by putting his feet in their hands. Shep caught hold of some bushes and began to haul himself up with all his strength.

You keep thinking, "Now suppose there's a flaw in that fuse, or something, and she goes off in six seconds instead of two minutes? where'll you be then?" It would give you a good boost towards your home on high, anyway. So I climbed fast, and stuck my head out the top without looking and then I froze solid enough.

Somehow Drew got an arm under Anse’s shoulders and tried to hoist him up. The Kentuckian swallowed blood from his lip and glared at Muller. "Suppose you ask those high-binders of yours!" he snapped. And once more it was Sergeant Rennie who spoke. Other hands joined his to boost Anse. With Topham’s aid Drew regained his feet and got the staggering Texan, still half unconscious, onto a chair.

Joe clasped his hands and wriggled imploringly, while Frank tried to hasten matters by going in search of Arthur's overcoat. "Well, I'll go," said Arthur hesitatingly. "You'll have to boost me out to the sleigh, for I couldn't take a step on this snow." "Of course. Frank and I will bear your lordship to the sleigh, and Joe can bring the stick.

Now, it was time to see whether he could not make a position for himself with one good boost! They named him to the Committee on the Budget, and he took it upon himself to refute certain strictures presented by the Opposition to the Government program on Pardon and Justice.

Instead of grilling young Kenneth and holding him up to Contumely and forbidding him the use of the Cozy Corner, he started in to boost the Love Match. Kenneth all but moved in his Trunk. Father had a chance to weigh him, down to the last Ounce, and study the simple Mechanism of his transparent Personality.