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"Come up, fellers," he said, waving the other in invitation, "and drink to Arizona. With a little more rain and good society she'd be a holy wonder, as the Texas land boomer says down in hell." They came up willingly, cowpunchers and sheepmen, train hands, prospectors, and the saloon bums that Black Tex kept about to blow such ready spenders as he, whenever they came to town.

"Dear me," said Mr. Newberry, deep in reflection, "so that when your trustees came to the meeting " "Exactly," said Dr. Boomer and something like a smile passed across his features for a moment "Dr. Dumfarthing had already sent away his telegram of acceptance." "Why, then," said Mr. Newberry, "at the time of our discussion tonight, you were in the position of having no minister." "Not at all.

"The fact is I didn't give you credit for being as big men as you are. But even a big man, or a big town, can reach only as high as it can. But we can't settle that question. I shouldn't expect a Lattimore boomer ever to adopt my view of it.

"We're going to have Bobbie Boomer in it, and he's a big fat boy." Mr. Treadwell laughed and Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Newton joined in. "What sort of play are you going to have?" asked Mr. Treadwell. "Well, we were just talking about it, in our garage, when Tom Milton told us that Mr. Winkler's monkey was loose," explained Bunny, "and we didn't talk any more about it until just now.

As we were saddling up to leave, Miller said to Jack, "Now if you're any good, you'll delude some girl to keep house for you 'twixt now and fall. You notice all your boomer neighbors have wives. That's a hint to you to do likewise." We were on the point of mounting, when the coyote horse began to act up in great shape. Some one said to Edwards, "Loosen your cinches!"

Boomer," he announced in a tone of solemnity suited to the occasion. Dr. Boomer entered, shook hands in silence and sat down. "You have heard our sad news, I suppose?" he said. He used the word "our" as between the university president and his honorary treasurer. "How did it happen?" asked Mr. Furlong. "Most distressing," said the president. "Dr. It is a practice," continued Dr.

"A horse thief!" ejaculated Jack Rasco. "Say, sod'ger, yer crazy! Thet boy a thief! Wall, by gum!" "That boy is no thief," put in Pawnee Brown. "He belongs to our camp, and is as square as they make them I'll vouch for it." "I ain't taking the word of any boomer," muttered Tucker sourly. "That kid hold on! Don't shoot!"

"You've seen a big `boomer, or the stump of a tree, which you have mistaken for a black fellow." I loudly protested that I was not mistaken, and advised them to load their rifles with ball. While I was speaking, a spear quivered in the tree close to where they were sitting. They jumped to their feet in an instant.

We are always happy to grant it to our benefactors by a vote of the faculty." Here Dr. Boomer and Dr. Boyster wheeled half round and looked quietly and steadily at the Wizard of Finance. To both their minds it was perfectly plain that an honourable bargain was being struck. "Yes, Mr.

Shafto, how does she bear this double loss?" inquired Miss Jane magisterially. "She had one fit of screaming hysterics after another. If you ask me, I believe it's the money that touches her most keenly; my husband begged me to go up this morning, and see if I could do anything. She has no intimate friends here, and I have sent to Mrs. Boomer and Mrs.