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That don't suit me, that don't; and so I tell yer. 'That's not the smallest danger in it not the very smallest, said the Jew; 'it's only to dodge a woman. 'An old woman? demanded Mr. Bolter. 'A young one, replied Fagin. 'I can do that pretty well, I know, said Bolter. 'I was a regular cunning sneak when I was at school. What am I to dodge her for? Not to

Doctor Bolter felt his patient's pulse. "Have you been putting him up to thinking his wound was poisoned?" he said, angrily. "No, doctor," said Tom Long, quietly; "it was my idea, and I feel sure it is." "Tom Long," said Doctor Bolter, "you're only a boy, and if you weren't so ill, I'd box your ears.

"The cove that invented Gregory's Mixture?" "Yes." "Beast he must have been. No, I never read him." "He says that Major Buckley's hypnotised subjects saw hidden objects in a blue light mottoes inside a nut, for example." "Rontgen rays, for a fiver! But Bolter said nothing about seeing blue light.

Well, he's a poor descendant of the first Adam, for if that fellow is not an arrant coward my name isn't Bolter." "Really, doctor, I think you do the man an injustice. He is a very superior, well educated fellow; and it has often puzzled me how he became a private soldier." "Scamp!" said the doctor, shortly. "Some runaway or another. The ranks of the army are made a receptacle for blackguards!"

"Thank you, Mr. Gordon. You are very kind. I should like to know about my little mare. She is a darling! How this Mr. Bolter came to get her " "Oh, Ida!" cried Betty, breaking in suddenly, "do you know a little man, a crooked little man, named Hunchie Slattery?" "My goodness, Betty! Of course I remember Hunchie. He worked in our stables." "He is with Ida Bellethorne, your pretty mare.

The poor boy almost fainted from loss of blood as he spoke; and the Irishman, uttering a wild shout, ran towards the stern, intending to gain the deck by the companion-hatch, and wreak his vengeance on the French. Bill Bowls and Ben Bolter followed him. As they passed the cabin door Bowls said hastily to Bolter, "I say, Ben, here, follow me; I'll show ye a dodge."

"Old Bolter" was hobbled as usual, and the young explorers, having ascertained that the river was nowhere fordable in the neighbourhood of the knoll, nor up to the point where it came out of the hills, the rest of the horses were turned loose, as there was no fear of their bolting.

"Ho!" cried a voice, as the men rested on their oars and listened. "Lend a hand, shipmates," cried Ben, "on yer port bow." The oars were dipped at once, the boat ranged up, and the two men were assisted into it. "It's all well as ends well, as I've heerd the play-actors say," observed Ben Bolter, as he shook the water from his garments. "I say, lads, what ship do you belong to?"

Something had lighted in his eyes since the day before, when he had told her his story of Red Godwyn. She wondered what it was. They went together over the place, escorted by Bolter.

"That's so, boy, but as we would be stark naked before we got it finished, I fear the turnkey would suspec' there wos somethin' wrong somehow." Ben Bolter sighed deeply as he spoke, because at that moment a ray of sunshine shot through the little window, and brought the free fresh air and the broad blue sea vividly to his remembrance.