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At the end of the interval the door was opened wide, and Blount had a gruff order to dismount. What he saw when he stood on the door-mat beside his captor merely added mystery to mystery.

"Now, Sir James, you, as a Blount, that is, as a man bearing an honoured name, are under the strictest obligation to me to see that I can say, if my conduct is challenged, that I saw nothing here because there was nothing to see. I have put myself absolutely in your power, Sir James. Whoever else joins the Prince, you must not, or you take my head along with you."

It gave her an uncomfortable feeling, amounting almost to an augury of ill, to hear Uncle Bernard talking of Margot Blount with such unusual interest. The first definite wish which he had expressed was in connection with her name; his last remarks virtually sanctioned with his approval any aspirations which Victor might secretly treasure.

Whether or not Ivan Ogareff perceived that the prisoner's attitude was insulting towards him, he did not let it appear. "Who are you, gentlemen?" he asked in Russian, in a cold tone, but free from its usual rudeness. "Two correspondents of English and French newspapers," replied Blount laconically. "You have, doubtless, papers which will establish your identity?"

It was the part of good judgment to spend quickly at first and build up the efficiency of his plant; and then the last few months, when Blount would begin to gloat, make a run that would put him in the clear.

You knew all the time that father's stock was still ours and that Mr. Blount never even claimed it!" "Never claimed it!" cried Wiley, suddenly roused to resentment. "Well, Virginia, he most certainly did! He offered to sell it to me for five cents a share when I took out that option on the Paymaster!" "Now, now, Wiley!" began Blount, but Virginia cut him short with a scornful wave of the hand.

"Vy," said the German, whose face was considerably flushed by the liquor he had been drinking, "you vas in der plackpird drade yourselves von dime." "So I was, Peter," said Blount quietly, "but we did the thing honestly, fairly and squarely. I, and those with me, when I was in the labour trade, never stole a nigger, nor killed one. This fellow Bilker was a disgrace to every white man in the trade.

This was true and I enjoyed it greatly. I sent the man out to rub Sultan down while she prepared for him under my eyes a warm drench of ale and meal. "Be y'r honour going far?" she asked. "That depends how far it is to Ellerton Grange. Do you know it?" "Oh aye, y'r honour. Sir James Blount lives there. It's three miles out'n Tutcheter on the Burton road." "Is it a straight road to Uttoxeter?"

In truth the plans of Henry Decherd himself, quasi guest at the Big House, guest tolerated, guest under suspicion, were at that time of a nature singularly intricate, and demanding all his skill and resources. It was certain that Decherd did not disappear with Miss Lady so much was left to comfort Colonel Calvin Blount.

There was something he had forgotten, something big and significant, but his tired brain refused to respond. It was part of the scheme to beat Blount out of his stock, and the royalty from the shipments of ore; and yes, it had to do with Virginia. It was going to make her rich, and both of them happy; but he could not recall it, at the moment.