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"The Lord be good to me," cried Peter Bligh, at last; "I can go no farther if it's a million a mile! Oh, Mister Begg, for the love of God, clap a rope about the wild man's legs." I pushed him on over a sloping peak of shale, and told him to hold his tongue. "Will you lie in the pool, then? Where's your courage, man? Another hundred yards and you shall stop to breathe.

Whether Bligh manages to get home or not, the British Government is sure to send out to see what has become of us. My notion is that we should bear away to the south'ard, far out of the usual track of ships, find out some uninhabited and suitable island, and establish ourselves thereon?"

He put it as a kind of question; but before I could answer him Seth Barker chimed in with his deep voice, and pointed towards the distant reef: "They've lit up the sea, that's what they've done," said he. "By thunder, they have!" cries Peter Bligh, in his astonishment; "and generous about it, too. Saw any one such a thing as that?"

For the matter of that, it looked all Lombard Street to a China orange against us when we took the woodland path again; and so I believe it would have been but for something which came upon us like a thunder-flash, and changed all our despair to a desperate hope. And to this something Peter Bligh was the first to call our attention.

"Why why, you're the gentleman that called this morning!" he went on, the light breaking in upon him: "excuse me, I recognise you by by the slight scar on your face." Well, Sir, there was nothing for Bligh to do the whole parish staring at him but to slip back into the shed and put on the clothes my grandfather handed in at the door: and while he was dressing the whole truth came out.

'I'd like to know where society'd be without it, interposed Bligh, with a sneer. 'Though it may have its uses, Sir; it's not a thing one can sit down and say is right we can't! 'I've heard your sister, Miss Becky, speak strongly on that point, too,'said Bligh. 'Ah! I dare say, said the general, quite innocently, an coughing a little.

Besides Cumberland, Camden, Argyle, Bathurst, and Northumberland, the counties of Cook, Westmoreland, Roxburgh, Wellington, Phillip, Bligh, Brisbane, Hunter, Gloucester, Georgiana, King's County, Murray, Durham, and St. Vincent's, may deserve to be mentioned by name, but nothing especially worthy of notice suggests itself respecting them.

Even Bligh sought that could not be silent in his bliss, but lay on the deck there, uttering great passionate Amens and praising his Maker, as he said, upon an harp and an instrument of ten strings. So with Abel Keeling.

'He was very kind, she said, rather deliberately. 'Don't let us talk about it, papa but wait and see! Lord Findon understood that she referred to Elsie Bligh that she had sown her seed, and must now let it germinate. But herself what had it cost her? And he knew well that he should never ask the question; and that, if he did, she would never answer it.

Bligh on being asked by the friends of young Heywood if he thought it possible that this boy of fifteen, who had been detained against his will, could have a guilty knowledge of the mutiny, replied in writing that the lad's "baseness was beyond all description. It would give me great pleasure to hear that his friends can bear the loss of him without much concern."