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Lovers delighted in nature then as now; the moon was their chosen confidante, and I know of no modern poem in which the mysterious charm of a summer night and the magic beauty which lies on flowers, trees and fountains in those silent hours when the world is asleep, is more exquisitely described than in the following verses, also by Sappho, at the reading of which we seem forced to breathe more slowly, "kuhl bis an's Herz hinan."

He read with a strange feeling of unwilling fascination, from "Horresco referees" to "Bis medium amplexi," and flung the book from him, as if its leaves had been steeped in the subtle poisons that princes die of. People will talk. 'Ciascun lo dice' is a tune that is played oftener than the national air of this country or any other. "That 's what they say. Means to marry her, if she is his cousin.

Hippel’s novels, “Lebensläufe nach aufsteigender LinieandKreuz und Querzüge des Ritters A. bis Z.” were purely Shandean products in which a humor unmistakably imitated from Sterne struggles rather unsuccessfully with pedagogical seriousness. Jean Paul was undoubtedly indebted to Sterne for a part of his literary equipment, and his works afford proof both of his occupation with Sterne’s writings and its effect upon his own. A

War!" The audience cried, "Bis! Bis!" and she sang it as powerfully the second time. What it was that had sustained and carried her through that terrible ordeal, she could never understand. When the curtain dropped, Fitzgerald was about to rush after her; but his wife caught his arm, and he was obliged to follow.

It is, at least, a matter of ethnological and historical interest to learn in what regions of thought and speculation our German contemporaries are at home, and wherein they find their mental happiness and delight. Die deutsche komische und humoristische Dichtung seit Beginn des 16. Jahrhunderts bis auf unsere Zeit. Von IGNAZ HUB. Nürnberg: Ebner. 1857.

His residence in Rome, with its sacred associations, and the meeting with new friends of a deeply religious temperament, brought about within him a new birth of Catholic faith that strongly affected bis later writings, notably Pan Tadeusz.

Attracted by sounds of applause at one of these theatres, I edged my way through the crowd, and succeeded, after many apologies, in securing a favorable position. Amid a motley gathering of Russians, Poles, Germans, and French for here all nations and classes are represented my ears were stunned by the clapping of hands and vociferous cries Bis! Bis!

Mack bored the good gentleman most severely; that he pined away under her kindnesses; sneaked off to bis study-chair and his nap; was only too glad when some of the widow's friends came, or she went out; seeming to breathe more freely when she was gone, and drink his wine more cheerily when rid of the intolerable weight of her presence.

Whatever may be its defects, it unquestionably exemplifies the character of the nation, so faithfully pourtrayed by Beaumarchais, in the following lines of the vaudeville which concludes the Mariage de Figaro: "Si l'on opprime, il peste, il crie, Il s'agite en cent facons, Tout finit par des chansons." bis. Paris, February 17, 1802.

His Majesty knows and is proud of it, for it shows their love of his countenance; and he says, "bis dat qui cito dat," then how can I grumble at giving twice, when I give so slowly? 'Nay, I will take it but once, I said; 'if His Majesty loves to be robbed, he need not lack of his desire, while the Spanks are sixteen in family.