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"You must have been caught in the worst of the rain," she said, looking at Billie's dripping clothes. "We were," put in Mary quickly, trying to cover the silence of the others. Somehow Billie felt just a bit savage at the moment. "I've brought you some sacred water from Fujiyama, Nancy," she said presently, in order to hide her hurt feelings. "Oh, thanks. What am I to do with it? Drink it down?"

It is packed now in my trunk, but usually I carry it about with me everywhere in order to take a little practice at the Rupert Street range. I bought it when Sir Mallaby told me he was sending me to America, because I thought I ought to be prepared because of the Underworld, you know." A cold gleam had come into Billie's eyes. Her face was pale and hard.

Lucia gave Billie a grateful look as she replied: "Ah, señor, I shall trust it all to you. I can see that you are a friend of my father and I know you are telling the truth." "You bet you can trust me," was Billie's emphatic reply. "Come on, fellows, let's go look after my horse."

"There, isn't that it?" cried Ferd, pointing eagerly through the trees toward a little patch of sky, palely illumined with stars. "I think I saw it," said Chet, rubbing his eyes impatiently. "It's so confoundedly dark " "Oh, won't you please come down?" wailed Billie's voice from the spooky depths of the attic. "I'll die of fright if I have to stay here another minute."

"I saw 'em five minutes before you two swung round the point. I was wondering who had outrode the paint-horse and Billie's little nag." Moore's left side was plastered with mud, as was the left side of his mount. "I was on guard and halfway up the far side," he said. "Split Ear took a header with me and delayed me some." He pointed to the mud crusted on his clothes.

His love was there for the girl to see, and he could not help feeling that, possibly just possibly she might write or even telegraph, saying, "I refuse to be set free." While he waited, he engaged his passage to Cherbourg on a ship that was to sail at the end of the week. That would give Billie's answer time to come.

I was going up the steps, you know, with a loaf of bread under my arm, when I chanced to look up the street and saw Billie and Hollanden coming with four of them." "Three," said Grief. "Four; and I tell you I scattered. One of the two with Billie was a peach a peach." "O, Lord!" groaned the others enviously. "Billie's in luck." "How do you know?" said Wrinkles.

And while Laura and Violet and the two boys were talking happily and all at once, Teddy took the opportunity to whisper in Billie's ear: "I suppose, being a young lady with a large fortune," he said teasingly, delighting in the color that rose to her face, "you won't find time to recognize your old friends any more." And with a dimpling smile and mischief in her eyes Billie answered him.

The rifles popped valiantly, but a thunderous impact fairly rocked the house, and, fascinated, Billie watched the door bulge toward her, then spring back into place as the topmost bolt snapped like a knife-blade. One more onslaught, perhaps two Billie's hand closed on her revolver and she moved instinctively closer to her father's couch.

He shook hands with Richard Hook, patted Phoebe on the cheek, and said: "Hang on to your faith, little girl. It's a wonderful reservoir to draw on." Then he grasped hands with Mr. Campbell, whom he had met several times now and liked immensely, nodded to Alberdina, and drawing Billie's arm through his, marched on ahead. "Anybody might think my little girl was a consulting physician," remarked Mr.