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"I'm going to ride into town, boys," he announced curtly. "I'll be back in the morning and go on day-herd." "Maybe you will and maybe you won't," Weary amended somewhat impatiently. "This is certainly a poor time for Irish to break out," he added, watching his double go galloping toward the town road. "I betche he comes back full and tries to clean out all them nesters," Happy Jack predicted.

Cal shouted to the horse-wrangler that the well had gone dry meaning the bucket and went back to work. "I betche we won't git through in time for no picnic," predicted Happy Jack gloomily, getting the proper hold on the hind leg of a three-months-old calf. "They's three hundred to decorate yet, if they's one; and it'll rain " "You're batty," Cal interrupted.

It says that homestead land can be used for grazing purposes if it's more valuable for pasture than for crops, and that actual grazing will be accepted instead of cultivation if it is grazing land. So " "I betche you can't prove that," Happy lack interrupted him. "I never heard of that before " "The world's plumb full of things you never heard of, Happy," Andy told him witheringly.

Irish, all dough as he was, went for him blindly and grappled with him, and it was upon this turbulent scene which Chip looked first when he rode up. The Happy Family crowded around him gasping and tried to explain. "They were doing some rough-riding " "By golly, Patsy no business to set his bread dough on the ground!" "He's throwed away all the supper there is, and I betche " "Mamma!

When he was gone, Andy breathed freer and put his mind to the coming contest and the things he meant to do with the purse and with the other contestants. "That Diamond G twister is going t' ride," Happy Jack announced, one day when he came from town. "Some uh the boys was in town and they said so. He can ride, too. I betche Andy don't have no picnic gitting the purse away from that feller.

I betche he's cached in the hills right now, watching his chance." "Oh, go to hell, the whole lot of yuh!" flared Andy, rising to an elbow. "What the dickens are yuh roosting around here for? Why don't yuh go on out to camp where yuh belong? You're a nice bunch to set around comforting the sick! Vamos, darn yuh!"

Luck felt that nothing less than a display of the profits in real money could ever quite balance that other scene when all the Happy Family had in the world went in the pot and they mourned because it was so little. "Aw, I betche Luck robbed a bank er something!"

"By golly, I eat the whole thing and I cussed Patsy between every mouthful!" boasted Slim, almost in a good-humor again. "I sure got the old boy stirred up; I left him swearin' Dutch cuss-words that sounded like he was peevish. But I'll betche he won't throw out the coffee till I've had what I want after this, by golly!" "Happy Jack is out yet," Weary observed after a sympathetic silence.

"I don't recollect mentioning that I was busy penning any letter uh withdrawal," he said. "I got my sights raised to that purse and that belt. I don't recollect saying anything about lowering 'em." "Aw, gwan. I guess I'll try for that purse, too! I betche I got as good a show as " "Sure. Help yourself, it don't cost nothing. I don't doubt but what you'd make a real pretty ride, Happy."

"I betche he's more tickled than sorry, right now."