United States or Saint Kitts and Nevis ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Through half-closed lids he studied Johnny's profile and the look of exaltation in his wide-open eyes. "Tex, he's one smart hombre," Tomaso's brother paid tribute. "The plan it works aw-right, I bet."

The taxi stopped before a mansion not far away, and the young man addressed a heavy-bodied individual who stood, with vacant face uplifted to the high moon, as if about to bay it. Said the young man: "Mr. Ives wishes you to report to him at once." "Huh?" ejaculated the other, lowering his gaze. "At the usual place," pursued the young man. "Oh! Aw-right."

Sam, however, heard with approval, and afterwards went up reverently and laid his finger on the crimson and the purple and the gold of the picture. Sam knew, and understood, for he had seen the real thing. Then he turned to the others and said: "Say, fellers, it's aw-right. You wait till yer see one. Fine ez silk, an' twicet as nateral."

Then she disappeared. A few minutes later the Egret's softly purring engines were edging her away from the pier, when: "Cormorant, ahoy!" called a man from her engine room. "Hey?" responded a gruff voice from a shack on shore. "Got that extra drum of gasoline there?" "Yep." "Bring it up on the Cormorant when you come." "Aw-right." The Egret was well away from shore now.

At the station they had to have another "wet" in the refreshment room, and by the time the train was due to start a good many were "canned up." Boozy voices yelled out "'S long way... Tipper-airy..." "Good-bye, Bill... 'ave... 'nother swig?" "Don't ferget ter write, Bill..." "Aw-right, Liz... Good-bye, Albert..." We were locked in the carriage.

"Aw-right," said Jakey, with a glimmering of comprehension. He seemed coming to life, as if sap were trickling from winter-congealment. Bob Clinton, too, felt the fresh breeze of early spring in his face. He removed his spectacles.

Had the old chap also read the letters? He must think him a scorcher if he had. "Oh! that's aw-right," he said, "about 'er. I 'adn't any doubts about that. He stopped. The secretary certainly had a most appalling stare. It seemed ages before he looked down again. "Well, ze laty as you please. She is your affair. I haf performt my instructions. And ze title of Paron, zat also can pe done.

"Tell Aunt 'Mira I'll be home in the morning in time enough to dress for church." "Aw-right." "And, Marty!" "Yep?" returned he, turning back. "I see there's a light in the basement of the library building. What's going on?" "We fellers are holding a meeting," said Marty, importantly. "I called it this afternoon. I don't mind telling you, Janice, that we're going to pass resolutions backing up Mr.

"Tex is pretty cute, aw-right. Me, I'd never a thought of that." The boss grunted. "Tex is paid for being cute. He's on the inside, where he's got a chance to know these things. He wouldn't be worth a nickel to us if he wasn't cute." "And it's us that takes the chances," readily agreed the guard. "Yeah look at the chance I took jus' now!

"Aw-right, aw-right who's asking you guys to believe me?" Tiflin cut in. "I'll beam the twins for you since I'd guess your transmitter won't reach. You can listen in, and talk back through my set. Okay?" "Let's see what happens just for kicks," Ramos said softly. "If you're calling some friends to come and get us, or anything, Tif well, you've had it!"