United States or Montserrat ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I ought to have taken more notice of them, for their mother has a hard time, I fancy, but never complains. I'm sorry they heard what I said, and if I knew how to do it without offending her, I'd trim a nice bonnet for a Christmas gift, for she is a lady, in spite of her old clothes. I can give the children some of the things they want anyhow, and I will.

"They're very strong," Rob answered, "and that work isn't new to them. And, you know, they carried all our packs in the same way." "That Moise is as strong as a horse," said John. "My! I couldn't lift the end of his pack here. I bet it weighed two hundred pounds at least. And he just laughed. I think he's a good-natured man, anyhow." "Most of these woodsmen are," replied Rob.

"I'll go with you, of course; you know that. I'm not afraid of your father: I'd as soon as not go in and wake him now and tell him the whole thing that you've married a chap who isn't worth the butter on his bread, who can't buy you kid gloves " "But you will, as soon as the sanatorium succeeds!" she put in bravely. She put down her muff. "Don't tell him to-night, anyhow.

This branch of palm nuts is from the tree I knocked over with my head. I'd give you some, only I am saving them for my mother." "Oh, that's all right; thank you," said the other jungle beast. "I don't care much for palm nuts anyhow, and I'd rather you would save them for your mother." "Do you know where my mother is?" asked Umboo eagerly. "I am sorry to say I do not," was the reply.

"Now don't get to thinking you've got it. I don't see how you could attach a germ. The high altitude and the winds up there ought to prevent infection. I'm not afraid for myself, but if you're able, perhaps we'd better pull out to-morrow." Later in the day Wetherford expressed deeper dejection. "I don't see anything ahead of me anyhow," he confessed.

"Yes," said George, "that's so. Peter crows a lot, and you can't tell when he's going to do it. But, Mr. Treadwell, he always crows when he flaps his wings, and if somebody could hold his wings so they couldn't flap then he couldn't crow. I wish we could have him in the play!" "Well, we might try him, anyhow," said Mr. Treadwell, with a laugh.

Names aren't important; but, anyhow, it was Fate that led me here." "Are you sure it wasn't me?" she asked softly. "Are you sure I wasn't calling you, and you had to come?" "Well, it was en route, anyhow; and you are always calling, if I must tell you," he laughed. Suddenly he became grave. "I hear you call me in the night sometimes, and I start up and say 'Yes, Di! out of my sleep.

He probably thinks by now that I am an escaped inhabitant of the Permanent Casualty Ward. Bother. I wish he didn't." "Since it's obvious," said Rodney, "that you can't stand, let alone walk, I had better go on to Montelupo and fetch a carriage of sorts. I wonder if you can lie there quietly till I come back, or if you'll be having seizures and things? Well, I can't help it. I must go, anyhow.

For another hour Joe argued it, and at last settled upon the store-house building as the likeliest for sleeping quarters for the feminine portion of the visitors. "We have to eat in here, anyhow," he argued, "so I guess it's the best arrangement we can hit on. Honey won't be here much to meals, either. That'll be one nice thing about it. He'll be going north directly.

A messenger had brought news of the column which had unhappily been driven from Dundee whether by the Boers' 40-pounder, "Long Tom," or by failing ammunition I will not try to decide. Anyhow, the messenger brought the news that the column was safe and returning unmolested on Ladysmith by the roundabout road eastward, near Helpmakaar.