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The richness, beauty, and skill displayed in the needle-work of the Middle Ages demonstrate the perfection that art had attained; while church inventories, wills, and costumes represented in the miniatures of illuminated manuscripts and elsewhere, amaze us by the quantity as well as the quality of this department of woman's work.

He approached the table, and folding his arms, turned his gaze deliberately from guest to guest, till at last, his eyes rested on Montreal, who had also risen, and who alone of the party had recovered the amaze of the moment.

I told him, in a confusion that was sweet to me, how I had suffered by reason of his failure to appear. He glanced at me with tender amaze. 'But I am fortunate to-day, I exclaimed. 'Was it not lucky they left when they did? Suppose you had arrived, in that state, dearest man, and burst into a room full of people? What would they have thought? Where should I have looked? 'Angel! he cried.

He was about to launch forth upon the first solitary adventure of his life, and one which might be fraught with dire perils; but his heart quailed not. Almost at once he was lost in admiration and amaze at the power displayed by Lord Claud in acting a part.

I saw Mason gazing curiously about him. "'Tis like a tale out of the Arabian Nights, Paul," he exclaimed. "Ay," said I, "but written in bitter prose, and no hint of enchantment anywhere. But, thank God, you are come! I have passed a dismal time of expectation, I promise you." I added softly, "I have something secret we will sup first, man I shall amaze you! We must talk apart presently."

I took the paper in amaze, not knowing why my grandfather, who had ever been so jealous of others taking me to task, should permit the rector and my uncle to chide me in his presence. The account was in the main true enough, and made sad sport of Mr. Fairbrother. "Have I not been caned for this, sir?" said I to my grandfather. These words seemed to touch Mr.

The expense for the Apollo was fifty thousand drachmas, and thus much being that day laid out, the greatness of the cost did not so much amaze Pompey and Cicero, as the rapidity of the outlay. One might believe Lucullus thought his money really captive and barbarian, so wantonly and contumeliously did he treat it.

Even his mother shrank away from him, in terror and amaze at his levity, and cried aloud in her fear so that instantly the door opened, and her husband entered to know what was amiss.

Under such circumstances was born a child who was destined to excite the wonder of European courts to startle and thrill and utterly amaze great audiences by her dramatic genius. But for ten years the family which grew until it consisted of one son and five daughters kept on its wanderings through Switzerland and Germany.

Would you believe it, ma'am, there was above fifty fires in London last year that was known to ha' bin set alight by childers playin' wid matches, or by careless servants lettin' 'em drop an' treadin' on 'em?" "How many?" asked Mrs Denman in surprise. "Fifty, ma'am." "Dear me! you amaze me, fireman; I had supposed there were not so many fires in London in a year." "A year!" exclaimed Joe.