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There will be no limit to Leif's anger if he " "I tell you he will not find out," Alwin answered over his shoulder. "His mind is so full of Eric's ill-doings, that he will not notice my absence before I am back again. And to-night is the only night when I am not in danger of being spied upon by Eric's men. It is my only chance." "Yet Kark " "Kark may go into the hands of the Trolls!"

His eye kindled as it passed from point to point. "It seems that Northmen are something more than pirates," he said, thoughtfully. "It seems that your speech is something more than free," said Sigurd, in displeasure. Alwin realized that it had been, and explained: "I but spoke of you as southerners do who have not seen your country.

I had altogether forgotten that it was my intention to hate her! I swear to you, Sigurd, I have not thought of the matter these two weeks." "Which causes me to suspect that you have been thinking very hard of something else," Rolf suggested. But Alwin closed his lips and kept his eyes on Editha's approaching figure.

The table was provided with graceful bronze water-pitchers and wash-basins of silver, and was littered over with silver scissors and gold-mounted combs and bright-hilted knives, and a medley of costly trinkets. Near the table stood a great carved arm-chair. At the sight of the man who leaned against its flaming red cushions of eiderdown, Alwin forgot his admiration.

The English youth was retiring in surprise, when Rolf took it into his head to accost him. The wrestler pointed to a couple of large flat stones that he had placed, one on top of the other, beside him. "This is very tough bread that you have given me, thrall," he said reproachfully. Their likeness to bread was not great, and the jest struck Alwin as silly.

But if you say that this plan is otherwise than ingenious, I shall be angry with you." Alwin vented a short laugh. "It is most ingenious, comrade. The only trouble with it is that I have no ambition to go either to Norway or to England." This time it was he who sealed her lips, as her amazement was about to burst through them. "Give me a hearing and you will understand.

The trader received them with true Norse hospitality; and Alwin watched in speechless amazement while the old man ripped up the scarlet sleeve and wrenched the dislocated bones into position, without a murmur from the patient. Despite her strange dress and general dishevelment, he could see now that she was a beautiful girl, a year or two younger than himself.

In Greenland, Helga, Gilli's daughter, loved an Englishman. I beat him soundly for it, yet I could not uproot the thought from his mind; and now " "And now I tell you that it is of no consequence what he thinks," Alwin interrupted her, eagerly. "I have to-night found out a means by which I am as certain to win favor as " But he could not finish.

Such an uproar of delight broke from Leif's men as drowned all the jeering that had gone before, and made the rafters ring with exulting. Alwin knew that, whatever else he would have to bear, at least that lie was not upon him, and he drew a deep breath of relief. All the light did not die out of his face, even when Leif stepped out of the shadow of the door and stood before him.

With immovable calmness, Alwin went on with his grinding. Only after the fourth round he said coldly: "It would save time if you would do your work yourself." Kark gasped with amazement. This to him, the slave-born son of Eric's free steward, who held the whip-hand over all the thralls at Brattahlid! His china-blue eyes snapped spitefully.