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F. von Tschüdi, Les Alpes, Berne and Paris, 1859. Rooks sometimes hunt in burrows by ingeniously-concerted operations. Mr. Bernard has described the interesting way in which the Rook hunts voles or field-mice in Thuringia. His curiosity was excited by the way in which numerous rooks stood about a field cawing loudly.

Wherefore in this behalfe he may rightly be called a true Pastor and minister of God's word, which for the profite of his flocke spared not to venture his owne life. And hauing by this meanes at length put their enemies to flight, they occupyed the cleare place for a prettie season among sundry mountaines and Alpes of yce.

Men of a severe and sententious morality have not always sufficiently observed this caution; nor have they been duly aware of the corruptions they flattered, by the satire they employed against what is aspiring and prominent in the character of the human soul. I, demens, et saevos curre per Alpes, Ut pueris placeas, et declamatio fias,

The red rocks and the dwarf pines of the Esterel coves, against which an azure sea lapped in soft caress.... Cannes with its far-flung draperies of white villas.... The proud solemnity of the Alpes Maritimes thrusting up to the snow-line and glinting white against the sun.... Fairy bungalows nesting in tropic gardens and waving welcome with their palm-fronds to the rushing train.... The Baie des Anges laughing with sky and hills.... The many-tunnelled cliff-route from Villefranche to Cap D'Ail, where moments of darkness tease one to longing for the sight of the azure coves dotted with white-winged yachts and foam-slashed motor-boats.... Europe's silken, jewelled fringe!

He now took the command of the Chasseurs des Alpes, aided the royal army in its defence of the territory previous to the arrival of its great French auxiliary, and, following in the upper region a line parallel to that kept in the plain by the conquest of Palestro, Magenta, and Solferino, beat the Austrians at Varese and San Fermo, bewildered his adversary Urban, by the rashness of his movements on the mountains above Como, advanced upon Bergamo and Brescia, and pushed on to the Valtellina up to the very summit of the Stelvia Pass.

This work, written in a pleasing style, gives important information on the manners and natural history of this most interesting part of Switzerland. Voyage dans l'Oberland Bernois. Par J.R. Wyss. Leipsic, 1818. 8vo. This work, translated from the German, is chiefly picturesque. Fodere, Voyage aux Alpes Maritimes. Paris, 1820. 2 vols. 8vo.

«Avant de pénétrer dans le Vallais, il convient d'en donner une idée générale: il forme cette partie des Alpes connue sous le nom d'Alpes Pennines; il contient non-seulement les plus hautes montagnes des Alpes, mais encore la plus longue vallée qui il y ait en Europe, puis qu'elle a trente-quatre lieues depuis Saint-Maurice jusqu'

He could do this, but he could not appreciably hurry the correspondence by which Pall Mall bargained a Frenchman in the forest of Dartmoor against an Englishman in the fortress of Briançon in the Hautes Alpes.

"You have been spared too long; the best place for you is on the table," I heard her lecturing the evil cannibal, "though the saints know that you are as tough as you are wicked, and all the sauce in the Alpes Maritimes would not make of you a pleasant morsel, especially since you have taken to eating the cat's mice." "Félicité," I broke in upon her flood of eloquence, in my most winning tones.

«Si toutes les montagnes, et les Alpes par exemple, avoient tous les autres caractères qu'exige une telle formation celui-l