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As it neared, the noise grew deafening; the air vibrated with a rushing sound that rose to a shriek. Ailsa's hands grasped his arm; her ears seemed bursting with the abominable sound; pain darted through her temples, flashing into agony as a heavy jar shook the house, followed by a dazzling light and roar. Boom!

She looked up steadily into Ailsa's eyes. "She was only a young girl, Honey-bud too young to marry anybody, too inexperienced to know her own heart until it was too late. "And Colonel Arran came; and he was ve'y splendid, and handsome, and impressive in his cold, heavy dignity, and ve'y certain that the child must marry him so certain that she woke up one day and found that she had done it.

Ailsa, scarcely able to breathe in the heavy heat, leaned panting against the framework, watching the darkness. It seemed to be a little cooler on the Virginia side after they had passed the General Hospital, and had gone forward through the deserted city of Alexandria. About a mile beyond a slight freshness, scarcely a breeze, stirred Ailsa's hair.

Ailsa laughed; and the laugh completed her awakening past all hope of further slumber. "You quaint little thing," she said, looking at Letty. "You certainly are the most engaging girl I ever knew." Letty merely lay and looked her adoration, her soft cheek pillowed on Ailsa's arm. Presently she said: "Do you remember the first word you ever spoke to me?" "Yes, I do."

Gas burned low in the hall globes; when he turned it off a fainter light from above guided them. "Celia, is that you?" she called gently, "Hush; go to bed, Honey-bell. Everybody is asleep. How pale you are, Curt dearest dearest " The rear room was Ailsa's; she walked into it and dropped down on the bed in the darkness.

You'll find it more satisfactory to buy a wedding bouquet than a funeral wreath!" "Oh!" shuddered the two ladies in one breath. "How horrible! How cowardly!" And then, feeling that her last hope had gone, Lady Chepstow broke into a fit of violent weeping and laid her head on Ailsa's shoulder. "Oh, my baby! My darling baby boy!" she sobbed.

Ailsa's quick laugh and the tenderness of her expression were her only comments upon the doings of Josiah Lent, lately captain, United States dragoons. Camilla yawned again, rose, and, arranging her spreading white skirts, seated herself on her veranda steps in full sunshine.

Me spine's a rasping holes in me necktie, and I'm so flat you could slip me into a pillar box and they'd take me home for a penny stamp." But Cleek made no reply. Wet and spent after his fierce struggle with the whirling fury he had just escaped, he lay looking up into Ailsa's eyes as she came to him with the sobbing child close pressed to her bosom and all heaven in her beaming face.

"Oh, look, Miss Lorne; here's mummie's motor-car; and I do believe that's Bimbi peeping out of it!" exclaimed the child "Bimbi" being his pet name for Captain Hawksley then broke, in wild excitement, from Ailsa's detaining hand and fled to a tall, military-looking man with a fair beard and moustache who had just that moment alighted from the vehicle.

But that afternoon she and Letty took an ambulance and went, in great distress of mind, to see Mother Angela, Superior of the Sisters of the Holy Cross, who had arrived from Indiana ready to continue hospital duties on the Potomac if necessary. The lovely Superieure, a lady of rare culture and ability, took Ailsa's hand in hers with a sad smile. "Men's prejudices are hard to meet.