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"Oh I know!" said Cicely "Maryllia has spoken of you you've taken a cottage here for the summer. Pick that bit of honeysuckle for me, will you? that long trail just hanging over you!" "With pleasure!" and he gathered the coveted spray and handed it to her. "Thanks!" and she smiled appreciatively as she took it. "How did you get into that wood? Did you jump the hedge?" "I did!" replied Adderley.

The swing of the shoulders, the aggressive turn of the head, were vaguely familiar, and while I was searching my memory and endeavouring to obtain a view of the man's face, he stared across in my direction. It was Adderley. He looked even more debauched than I remembered him, for whereas in Singapore he had had a tanned skin, now he looked unhealthily pallid and blotchy.

For the first time, Francis had been brought into direct, personal, intimate contact with Jesus Christ. 'It was, Canon Adderley says again, 'no mere intellectual acceptance of a theological proposition, but an actual self-committal to the Person of Jesus; no mere sentimental feeling of pity for the sufferings of Christ, or of comfort in the thought that, through those sufferings, he could secure a place in a future heaven, but a real, brave assumption of the Cross, an entering into the fellowship of the Passion of Christ, a determination to suffer with Him and to spend and be spent in His service.

He was displaying its peculiar virtues and showing a certain acquaintance with his subject when he was interrupted. A door opened suddenly and a girl came in. Adderley put down the bowl and turned rapidly as I rose from my seat. It was the lady of Katong! I recognized her at once, although she wore a very up-to-date gown.

If they were reassured on the practical side, speculative considerations of ideal perfection they might be brought to entertain, and their spiritual horizon would thus gradually widen. Sir Charles Adderley says to the Warwickshire farmers: "Talk of the improvement of breed!

The very pity of a Christian, the honour of a gentleman, would urge me, even if it were not my most urgent duty! 'Mr. Adderley argued no more. When Berenger came to his duty in the matter he was invincible, and moreover all the more provoking, because he mentioned it with a sort of fiery sound of relish, and looked so very boyish all the time. Poor Mr.

Mine is all lined and puckered with tears and sad thoughts SHE hasn't a wrinkle! And I'm fourteen, and she's forty! Oh dear! Why did I cry so much over all the sorrow and beauty of life when I was young!" "Ah and why didn't you have a pianista-pianola!" said Adderley. They all laughed, and then at Maryllia's suggestion, joined the rest of the guests in the garden.

"Yes; but " said Piers, and became silent as though he were following out some train of thought. "Go on, boy! Finish!" commanded Sir Beverley. "I detest a sentence left in the middle." "I was only thinking," said Piers deliberately, "that hanging in my opinion is much the easier sentence of the two. I should ask to be hanged if I were Adderley." "Would you indeed?"

Bludlip Courtenay, Julian Adderley, coming up in response to the beckoning finger of Cicely Bourne, was kindly greeted by Maryllia, introduced to one or two of her friends, and asked then and there to luncheon, an invitation he accepted with alacrity, and, after this, all the Manor party started with their hostess to walk home, leaving the village and villagers behind them, and discussing as they went, the morning's service and sermon in the usual brief and desultory style common to fashionable church-goers.

How I should have brought the conversation back to our Singapore days I know not, but a suitable opening was presently offered by Adderley himself. "Do you ever see any of the old gang?" he inquired. "I was in Singapore about six months ago," I replied, "and I met some of them again." "What! Had they drifted back to the East after all?" "Two or three of them were taking what Dr.