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Among them was one Patrick Girdwood, the deacon of the craft, a most comical character, so vogie of his honours and dignities in the town council that he could not get the knight told often enough what a load aboon the burden he had in keeping a' things douce and in right regulation amang the bailies.

"Why dinna you tell your fine brother Davie?" "Davie is aboon sorting the like o' you. Do you think I wad hae hands that are for the Ordinances touch you, you born deevil?" "Tell Maister Allan Campbell then. If a's true that's said to be true " "Dinna say it, Angus! Dinna say it! I warn you to keep a still tongue in your head." "If he isna your man, he ought to be."

Bertram now saw that his conjecture was right: it was indeed his aged and mysterious hostess: but, before he could speak, she seemed to have forgotten that he was present and sang in an under tone: They hung him high aboon the rest, He was sae trim a boy; Thair dyed the youth whom I lov'd best My winsome Gilderoy. "A young man you were expecting to meet you?" said Bertram.

'If thaa'rt noan flayed, that doesn't say thaa hasn't a devil, replied Amos, again raising the can to his lips. 'Well, I'm noan to blame if a' cornd help miself, am I? But Amos remained silent. 'Aw say, Amos, said a thoughtful-looking man, 'aw often wonder if thaa'll be content when thaa geets up aboon to see us lot in t'other shop. 'Happen it will, replied Amos.

These colossal cliffs, types of permanence, are about three thousand and six thousand feet high; those of the canyon that are sheer are about half as high, and are types of fleeting change; while glorious-domed Tissiack, noblest of mountain buildings, far from being overshadowed or lost in this rosy, spiry canyon company, would draw every eye, and, in serene majesty, "aboon them a'" she would take her place castle, temple, palace, or tower.

"But auld Wilson's spite on her olas did cap me a laal bit," said Matthew again. "He wanted her burnt for a witch. 'It's all stuff and bodderment aboot the witches, says I to him ya day; 'there be none. God's aboon the devil! 'Nay, nay, says Wilson, 'it'll be past jookin' when the heed's off. She'll do something for some of us yit."

'Sae lang, that I could weel tak a dram. 'Gudewife, bring the gill stoup. Here some compliments passed fitting the occasion, when my host of the Golden Candlestick, having, as he thought, opened his guest's heart by this hospitable propitiation, resumed his scrutiny. 'Ye'll no hae mickle better whisky than that aboon the Pass? 'I am nae frae aboon the Pass.

Milly has such wonderful names for everything. 'Why, hoo co's it angels' tears, and says it drops daan fro' th' een o' them as watches fro' aboon at the devilment they see on th' earth. 'Milly, you are a poetess! exclaimed the delighted minister. 'But do you really think the angels weep? Would it not destroy the joy of that place where sorrow and sighing are no more?

The policeman was disgusted and discouraged by three days of wet clothing, and he would have to go out into the rain again before he got dry. Nothing occurred to him to talk about but grievances. "Did ye ken the Laird Provost, Maister Chambers, is intendin' to knock a lang hole aboon the tap o' the Coogate wynds? It wull mak' a braid street ye can leuk doon frae yer doorway here.