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But in the chapter on the "Customs of Billyngesgate," pp. 208, 209, relating to goods imported from foreign countries, an import duty of one halfpenny is imposed on every hundred of boards called "weynscotte" a term formerly applied only to oak and of one penny on every hundred of boards called "Rygholt." The editor explains "Rygholt" as "wood of Riga." This was doubtless pine or fir.

On page 208 ff. he says: "Why are we not all united in love and union? Why these distances, controversies, disputes, mutual condemnations, why these splittings of formulas? Why cannot the Church of Christ be one flock under one Shepherd? My friends, at the proper time the Lord will unite us all.

Pollock and Maitland's History of English Law, i. 208. A characteristic consequence is that Hale and Blackstone make no distinction between public and private law. Austin, however, retorts the charge of Verwirrung upon German critics. The fourth duke of Newcastle in the House of Lords, 3 Dec. 1830.

Flibbertigibbet looked about her inquiringly; but the girls were silent. Such singing appeared to them out of the ordinary and so unlike 208! It took them a moment to recover from their surprise; they gathered in groups to whisper together concerning the performance. Meanwhile Flibbertigibbet was waiting expectantly. Where was the well earned applause? And she had reserved the best for the last!

The British loss was 68 killed and 208 wounded; that of the allies 60 killed and 320 wounded. On the 14th of November the fleet regained Spithead.

"I'll pinch yer black an' blue if yer tell!" whispered Flibbertigibbet, relaxing her hold and in turn raising her hand. "What's wanting now, 208?" "A second helpin', please 'um." The tin round was passed up to the nickel-plated receptacle, that resembled a small bathtub with a cover, and piled anew.

"What are you going to do with the gold, Stumpy?" asked Mr. Hamilton. "Hand it over to my mother. Squire Moses is going to foreclose the mortgage on the house we live in right off. I want to head him off on that before night." "But gold, you know, is worth a large premium just now. I saw by my paper which came to-day that it was 208 in New York," continued the merchant.

The prelates were great enemies to ruling elders: so are Mr Coleman and Mr Hussey, who acknowledge no warrant from the word of God for that calling, nor admit of any ruling elders who are not magistrates,—a distinction which was used by Saravia and Bilson in reference to the Jewish elders, and by Bishop Hall in reference to the elders of the ancient church who were not preaching elders, Assert. of Episcop. by Divine Right, p. 208, 209, 221,—and now, forsooth, Mr Hussey, in his Epistle to the Parliament, doth earnestly beseech them toset up classes, consisting only of ministers, whose work should be only to preach the word,” &c.

Cleveland Medical Journal, 1905, iv, 425-431. Co-operative sanitation. Ohio Medical Journal, 1905, i, 278-281. The medical code of Hammurabi, King of Babylon. Cleveland Medical Journal, 1908, vii, 72-75. Carcinoma in high life. Cleveland Medical Journal, 1908, vii, 472-476. Cleveland Medical Journal, 1909, viii, 59, 146, 208. Gilbert of England and his "Compendium Medicine."

At 3 A.M. made sail again to the Northward, having the advantage of a fresh Gale at South-West. At Noon we were about 3 or 4 Leagues from the land and in the Latitude of 34 degrees 22 minutes and Longitude 208 degrees 36 minutes West. Course and distance sail'd since Yesterday noon is North by East 49 Miles.