United States or Mauritania ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I have been engaged in alternately wishing in earnest and wishing in vain for the power of saying when I could go to Malvern and in being unwell besides. For the last week I have not been at all well, and indeed was obliged yesterday to go to bed after breakfast instead of after tea, where I contrived to abstract myself out of a good deal of pain into Lord Byron's Life by Moore.

Should the inconceivable, the unimaginable happen, should this Dutch village devil slay me, I make it the duty of the French officers here to revenge me on the haughty daughter of my adversary, and on all these dull and prudish beauties. They must carry out what I intended yesterday.

"Am not I sufficiently diverting?" asked the Duke bitterly. "Quite candidly, no. Have you any friend lodging with you here?" "One, overhead. A man named Noaks." "A small man, with spectacles?" "Very small, with very large spectacles." "He was pointed out to me yesterday, as I was driving from the Station ... No, I don't think I want to meet him. What can you have in common with him?"

"You may wonder, my dear Atterley, that I should remember all these minute circumstances, after the lapse of more than forty years; but every incident of that day is as fresh in my memory as the occurrence of yesterday. To this single green spot in my existence, my mind is never tired of returning.

You might represent this county, as your ancestors have done before. I have looked forward to the proceedings of yesterday as an admirable occasion for your introduction to your future constituents. Oratory is the talent most appreciated in a free country, and why should you not be an orator?

And over His head was written in the rainbow, 'I am the same, yesterday, to-day, and for ever! The same as He was in Judea of old, Philammon? Then what are these, and in whose temple? And he covered his face with his hands, and longed to die. It was over. The shrieks had died away into moans; the moans to silence. How long had he been there? An hour, or an eternity? Thank God it was over!

"Surely," she remarked, glancing then at the elder for an instant with some archness, "surely you English gentlemen, who have so much propriety, would not rather ... there was young Mr. Bradbury, we heard talked of yesterday, whom every farmer with a red-cheeked lass of his own "

"No, to Vienna," replied Yanski, who looked somewhat paler than usual. "What an idea! What are you going to do there, Varhely?" "Angelo Valla arrived yesterday at Havre. He sent for me to come to his hotel this morning. I have just been there. Valla has given me some information in regard to a matter of interest to myself, which will require my presence at Vienna. So I am going there."

"The day before yesterday, as I was smoking my pipe outside, I saw this young bantam swaggering down the street not but what he seemed rather crestfallen; but I knew the reason for that, and should look just as much in the dumps if my young woman was laid up.

Ellen had quite forgotten her yesterday's trouble. But when John came to review her drawing, he found several faults with it; pointed out two or three places in which it had suffered from haste and want of care; and asked her how it had happened. Ellen knew it happened yesterday. She was vexed again, though she did her best not to show it; she stood quietly and heard what he had to say.