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And then when we find it isn't as easy to readjust as they think, they yammer around pop-eyed and say 'Oh, what wild young people what naughty little wasters! They won't settle down and play Puss-in-the-corner at all and, oh dear, oh dear, how they drink and smoke and curse 'n everything!" "I'm awful afraid they might be right as to what's the trouble with us, though," says Oliver, didactically.

Why, if you were alone, you wouldn't have a word to say for yourself. You'd just gape at the man and yammer. But I'm with you laddie, I'm with you. If your flow of conversation dries up, count on me to keep the thing going."

It was past my comprehension, and her mother could assign nae particular reason for it. As for Andrew, he did naething but yammer, yammer, frae morn till night, about the sea; or sail boats, rigged wi' thread and paper sails, in the burn. When he was at the bathing he had been doun aboot Leith, and had seen the ships, and naething wad serve him but he would be a sailor.

Millie drew her heavy blanket shawl closer around her and pulled her black woolen cap farther over her forehead, then she turned and looked at Amos, but his face was in shadow; the feeble oil lamp of the market wagon sent scant light inside. "Now, Amos, you say that just because you take pity for me and want to fix a home for me, ain't?" "Ach, yammer, no!" came the vehement reply.

"When I'm with father," said Bill, "I sort of lose my nerve, and yammer." "Dashed awkward," said Archie, politely. He sat up suddenly. "I say! By Jove! I know what you want, old friend! Just thought of it!" "That busy brain is never still," explained Lucille. "Saw it in the paper this morning. An advertisement of a book, don't you know." "I've no time for reading."

And as for old Ahuna, she could make him get down on the floor and yammer and bite himself when she pulled the real mystery dope on him. "Nevertheless, my private opinion is that it was the anaana stuff that got him. She snipped off a lock of his hair one day with a pair of manicure scissors. This lock of hair was what we call the maunu, meaning the bait.

To cross that open space was to provide targets for lances and arrows or the superior armament of the Reds. "A chance we can hit from here." Buck laid his weapon across his bent knee, steadied the long barrel of the burner, and pressed the firing button. The closed hatch of the ship shimmered, dissolved into a black hole. Behind Travis someone let out the yammer of a war whoop.

And she is aye seen to yammer and wail before ony o' that family dies, as was weel kend by twenty folk before the death of Walter Avenel, haly be his cast!" "If she can do nae mair than that," said Elspeth, somewhat scornfully, "they needna make mony vows to her, I trow. Can she make nae better fend for them than that, and has naething better to do than wait on them?"

And over everything came the incessant yammer of voices saying nothing, radios blaring, television babbling, and vending machines shouting. He gave up at last and invested half his small fund in a subway. It was equally noisy, but it took less time. Beside him, a fungoid creature from Clovis was busy practicing silently on its speaking machine, but nobody else seeemed to notice.

Wass was a Veep, one of the criminal parasites dabbling in human misery along more than one solar lane. But he was also human and, as one of their own species, had his claim on them. Vye watched Hume take over the controls, felt the flitter answer another change of course, then heard the frantic yammer of the distress call as they leveled off to ride its beam in to the hidden camp. "Automatic."