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Amasa Culpepper, who not only keeps the grocery store but is a sort of shyster lawyer, and a money lender as well. Everybody says he's smitten with your mother, and wants to be a second father to you and your sisters and brothers." "Well that used to worry me a whole lot," admitted Carl, frankly, "until I asked my mother if she cared any for Amasa.

There came a faint murmur of protest from her friends, or rather from her followers; and she added with comforting assurance: "Oh, it's all right; you needn't worry about him; I'll see that he behaves, myself." With that assurance they were content they had to be; the prince was admitted to the circle; and Pollyooly picked him on her side.

Before she had moved, however, the door burst open again, and he was striding across the floor to her, to seize her in his arms. "I am a brute, and I know it, but I'm not so far gone as not to realize I'm wreaking my temper on the one I love best in the world. Forget it, darling, and don't worry about me. I've been through this sort of thing times enough before.

"It's all right. Don't worry," the young man assured her. He got down from the trap and dived into the underbrush, rifle in hand. The two in the buggy waited a long time. No sound came to them from the cactus-covered waste to indicate what was happening. When Phyllis' watch told her that he had been gone ten minutes, a cheerful hail came from the road in front. "All right. Come on."

I was forced to give it up, and I think Kennedy, too, had decided not to worry over the crossing of any bridges until at least we knew that there were bridges to be crossed. Carton was worried more by the discovery that one he had trusted even as a valet had proved unfaithful.

Holton looked at his daughter in a blank dismay after the youth had started down the hill. "I say, gal," said he, "there's somethin' wrong here!" She was inclined to blame him for the deep discomforture she felt. "Why couldn't you let us alone?" she answered angrily. "You've spoiled everything!" The old man looked at her, with worry on his face. "Didn't you tell me 't was as good as settled?

The governor would write them a legal letter with so many "hereinbefores" in it that they would get the idea that they had been left the whole pile. I just send a cheery line saying "It's no good, old top. Abandon hope," and they know just where they are. Simple and considerate. A glance at Bill's face moved him to further speech. 'I don't see why you should worry, Bill.

"He is such a perfect 'pickle, I hardly know what to do with him, Robert," said Mrs. Lloyd to her husband, with a big sigh, one evening at dinner. "Don't worry, my dear, don't worry. He has more than the usual amount of animal spirits, that is all. Keep a firm hand on him and he'll come out all right," answered Mr. Lloyd, cheeringly.

Poor girl! she is really the Madonna of the Chicago movement. All the sorrows and troubles of the Salon rest upon her poor shoulders, and she silently suffers, sacrifices and redeems. Then there is little Sara, another chosen one. It is she who is chosen to make men miserable for the good of their souls. She has been very pensive since the great poet B left, for now she has no one to worry about.

It was a curious sight to see the astonishment of the other lion at this most unprovoked assault. Over he rolled with an angry snarl, and on to him sprang the black-maned demon, and began to worry him. This finally awoke the yellow-maned lion to a sense of the situation, and I am bound to say that he rose to it in a most effective manner.