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As the flood came down the valley of the South Fork it obliterated the suburb of Woodvale, where not a house was left, nor a trace of one. The material they had contained rolled on down the valley, over and over, grinding it up to pulp and finally leaving it against an unusually firm foundation or in the bed of an eddy. The masses contain human bodies, but it is slow work to pick them to pieces.

Harding, glancing at his watch. "Take the folks for a ride or something to entertain them, and come back here at 5:30. Then we'll all go to dinner somewhere and take the nine o'clock train for Woodvale." For an hour I have been seated at a table on the veranda of the Woodvale club house looking over the pages of this diary. Certainly I am entitled to a new sobriquet.

Carter was with them much of the time, but none of them talked of their plans, and all the hints dropped to me by the married and unmarried ladies of Woodvale were unproductive of information. They had been here; they were abroad and that was all there was to it. It was yet early in the day and I took the first train for the city and went straight to Mr. Harding's office.

Great news; great news!" "What is it?" asked Miss Ross, her deep-brown eyes brightening with curiosity. "Another heiress coming!" announced Chilvers, with the bow of a jeweller displaying some rare gem " another heiress on her way to Woodvale! This is going to be a hard season for such perennial bachelors as Smith, Boyd, Carter, and others I could name.

The first place we visited was the little town of Woodvale, so familiar to Mul-tal-la, and which had grown to that extent that it had taken a new name. "There we found George and Victor Shelton, almost in middle life, both married and among the leading citizens. They were filled with joy to see Mul-tal-la, and did all they could to make our visit pleasant.

Andrews swing"? I doubt if our rules will permit this remarkable farm labourer to play over Woodvale, even as the guest or at the request of Miss Lawrence. I shall watch developments with much interest. Wallace asked to be excused, observing with a laugh that it was milking time, and a few minutes later we saw him pass the window, clad in blue overalls and a "jumper."

To JOHN HENRY SMITH, Woodvale: If you wish to see your Uncle Henry alive come at once. I had an hour in which to get ready to catch the last train to the city and make the proper connections. I called my man and gave him the necessary instructions. Then I began a search for Miss Harding. I suddenly resolved to declare my love that day if the opportunity presented.

He looked gravely into the face of each lad while he was speaking. When they ceased he had something to say: "When Deerfoot and his brothers left Woodvale was it not said that the Shawanoe should rule and guide them?" "There can't be any question of that," Victor promptly replied. "And my brothers promised to obey him in all things?" "It seems to me I remember something of that kind."

"Stella, my dear," he said, her hand in his as they confronted the most dazed human on the face of the earth, "you have heard me talk so much of my dear friend, 'Foxy Old Smith'; well, here he is! Permit me to present Mr. John Henry Smith, champion of Woodvale, winner of the Harding Trophy, also Wizard of Finance!" I assured Mrs.

"Right here in Woodvale," declared Carter. "To take Kirkaldy's place?" "Yes, to take Kirkaldy's place. Kirkaldy handed me his resignation to-night to take effect on Saturday. A rich uncle has died in Scotland, and our young friend will buy his own golf balls in future, instead of winning them from you and me.