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Laurence, insisting that this was really everybody's business, called a mass-meeting at the schoolhouse, and the Clarion requested every man who didn't intend to bring his women-folks to that meeting to please stay home himself. Wherefore Appleboro town and county came with the wife of its bosom or maybe the wife came and fetched it along.

We were two mighty ignorant young folks, but we got it down, and that night I set emptins for the first time, and I kept trying, and advising with the women-folks, until I could make as good salt-rising bread as any one.

But I thought maybe if I went to the house and talked about it before his wife, and said all the women-folks liked the telephones, and that in this lonesome stretch of road it would be a good thing well, I said to Harry that that was what I was going to say though I said at the same time that I didn't know as what his wife wanted made much difference to John "

But when they do, we'll brace up like men and give it to them if the State will let us. We just naturally hate to disappoint our women-folks. And What It Means Now don't urge me to stay longer, Jim, because I'm going to anyway. Just to prove it, I'll take another of those gold-corseted cigars of yours, which would elevate me from the masses to the classes in three puffs if I smoked it back home.

"That's so," said Sam, "it ain't just the quietest place in the world for women-folks. Only five or six women in the place yet, outside the section boss's wife and the help at the depot hotel. Still," he added apologetically, "folks soon gets used to the noise. I don't mind it no more at all." Buford smiled as he glanced quizzically at the faces of his "women-folks."

There's just three husbands among the fifteen women scrubbin' here now, and the rest of us is all old maids and widders. No wonder the men-folks die, or move away, like Justin Peabody; a place with such a mess o' women-folks ain't healthy to live in, whatever Lobelia Brewster may say."

But if ye can once get the faith o' Mother Ann into 'em, they're as good afterwards as they was wicked afore. There's no stoppin' women-folks once ye get 'em started; they don't keer whether it's heaven or the other place, so long as they get where they want to go!"

I should like to hear you explain how burglary is collecting what is coming to you." He looked at her admiringly. "I always thought women-folks were scairt of robbers," he confessed. "But you don't seem none." She laughed gaily. "There are robbers and robbers, you know. I am not afraid of you, because I am confident you are not the sort of creature that would harm a woman.

Why, I says, 'what's the difference between me an' these here women-folks except that I wear a beard an' smoke a pipe?" "Then why don't yew git up?" demanded the inexorable Samuel. "Git up an' fool 'em; or, gosh-all-hemlock! they'll be measurin' yew fer yer coffin next week.

"Mother," said she, "don't you think it's too bad father's going to build that new barn, much as we need a decent house to live in?" Her mother scrubbed a dish fiercely. "You ain't found out yet we're women-folks, Nanny Penn," said she. "You ain't seen enough of men-folks yet to.