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It was a truly horrible thought, and every one of the lads shivered. They looked at the torch, now burnt so low it was hard to hold, and then gazed at each other. "Oh, Snap, we must find some way out!" faltered Giant. His voice shook so he could hardly speak. "Yes, let us get out as soon as we can," added Whopper.

"You must come home -mother wants to see you. All your books are there. Don't you remember how you used to love those books, Uncle Pierre?" "Yes! yes!" The man's eyes began to glisten. "And so you want me to go home? You look like a good boy, Guillaume." "Why does he call Giant Guillaume?" whispered Whopper to Snap. "It's the French for William," answered the leader of, the club.

"I think we've got about all we need now," said Snap, after looking at the collection. "Now all we want is those rubber blankets and the flannel ones, and then we shall be about ready to start." "Will the rowboat hold the load?" questioned Whopper. "It seems to me there is about two thousand times too much stuff." "The boat has got to hold it," came from Giant.

In coming to the shelter Whopper had twisted his ankle and this hurt him not a little, and he was perfectly willing to rest the member all he could. Giant prepared supper and they ate it leisurely, in the meanwhile talking over the outlook from every point of view. Morning found the two young hunters stirring early. There was little, however, to do, and they took their time over breakfast.

And then, as he began to realize the escape he had had, he grew slightly pale. "I tried to keep the gun barrel pointed to a safe place," said Giant. "But the fall came so quickly I had hardly time to think. I am thankful nobody was struck. Had I hit anybody I should never have forgiven myself!" And he shuddered. "Be careful of the rest of the guns," said Whopper.

"Come on, this is the way," said Whopper, and the others followed him without question, but they seemed to get deeper and deeper into the forest, and at last came to a halt close to the base of a series of big rocks. "I think we have missed it," said Snap, gazing around sharply. "Missed it?" queried Giant. "What do you mean?" "I mean we are not getting around the end of the lake at all."

Nancy Ellen banged down a trunk lid and said: "Well, I am getting to the place where I don't much care whether there is or there is not." "What a whopper!" laughed Kate. "But cheer up. This is my trouble. I feel it in my bones. Wish I knew for sure. If she's eloped, and it's all over with, we might as well stay and finish our visit.

Like a flash, five deer leaped into view, rushing across a small opening. They saw the boys and were out of sight again in a twinkling, before a gun could be raised at them. "Why didn't you shoot?" cried Shep to Snap. "Why didn't you?" "I didn't have my gun ready," came from Whopper. "Neither did I," added Giant. The four young hunters gazed at each other sheepishly enough.

They looked ahead, and then Shep ordered the others to stop rowing. "I just saw something, back of yonder bushes," he whispered, excitedly. "I am not sure, but I think it was a couple of deer!" "Deer!" came from the others. "Let me get a shot at 'em," added Whopper, excitedly. "That's what I came for -to bring down a dozen deer or so!" "Make it two or three dozen, Whopper," answered Snap.

Helter-skelter the others came after him, Whopper pitching headlong in his flight. "Hi! hi! Save me!" roared the fallen one. "Don't -don't let the bear chew me up!" "Where is the bear?" demanded little Giant, catching up his gun. Then he looked at Snap, who was grinning broadly. "You're fooling! Boys, it was only a joke!" "A joke?" spluttered Whopper. "Do -do you mean to say there is no bear?"