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He explained that it was a matter of business which a woman could not perform; but Mrs. Stevens became unreasonable, declaring: "You wish to go to London and pass your time in gay society." "I do not," he answered. "Verily, you do. You tire already of your wife; you would seek another." "Dorothe, I would wed no other woman living," answered John, with a sigh.

"If, thinking me faithless, you had turned for consolation to another; if, though you brought her but your second best, you yet had won and wed her; now, finding after all that I had not wedded Humphry, would you leave your bride, and try to wake again your love for me?" "You seek to place me," he said, "in straits in which, by mine own act, I shall never be.

This discourse raised my cousin once more to his old place in my opinion, and I knew now that the honest glance of his blue eyes, which doubtless had won fair Gertrude's heart, was trustworthy and true. Master Ulman Pernhart was married in a right sober fashion to fair Mistress Giovanna, and I remember to this day seeing them wed in Saint Laurence's Church.

He solicited the youth’s aid in burying the treasures promising him a share in the spoil sufficient to enable him to wed his beloved. In a solitary spot they dug a deep hole, when suddenly the robber assailed his companion, who thrust him aside with great violence.

Thou seest how she has kept her oath to wed thee honourably. Harmachis at length thine eyes are open to the truth!" "Ay, I see too well; and yet she swore she loved me, and I, poor fool, I believed her!" "She swore she loved thee!" answered Charmion, lifting her dark eyes: "now I will show thee how she loves thee. Knowest thou what was this house?

In this class are the widowers who wed for the sake of their children, the spinsters whose motive is their desire for motherhood, the men and women who marry to possess a home, or for the sake of companionship. All these reasons are justifiable enough, and people who embark on matrimony with a set purpose generally take it very seriously, and determine to make a success of it.

They recollected that there were six ladies and only five bachelor knights, two only being benedicts. "But suppose we five were to marry five of the Princesses, one still would be like puss in the corner she must be left out," observed Saint Andrew, who was evidently the least inclined of any of the party to wed, and had arranged to start away directly after breakfast.

It is literally with me the highwayman's choice, money or life." Vargrave paused, and took Caroline's hand. "My noble friend! I do not say that I shall not feel a deep and sharp pang at seeing you wed another; but I shall be consoled by the thought that I have assisted to procure for you a station worthier of your merits than that which I can offer.

The outlook was anything but promising, and the young padwar wished that he had died before ever he had had to speak the words he now must speak. "Tara of Helium," he continued, "we all thought you dead. For a long year have you been gone from Helium. I mourned you truly and then, less than a moon since, I wed with Olvia Marthis."

She was false; she deceived me, and now I will wed you." And what said Julia to all this? Why, she sat bolt upright, listening attentively while Dr. Lacey expressed his former and present opinion of her. When he had finished, she ventured to acknowledge her love for him; said she had always loved him, and that as his wife she would try to make him happy.