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'Look at 'er stockin's! shouted another; and indeed they were remarkable, for Liza had chosen them of the same brilliant hue as her dress, and was herself most proud of the harmony. Her dance became gayer: her feet scarcely touched the ground, she whirled round madly. 'Take care yer don't split! cried out one of the wags, at a very audacious kick.

Beckwith has made a peculiarly happy remark, or an unusually happy stroke of the brush, Roy applauds tumultuously and loudly with his tail, against the seat of the bench or the side of the house. Roy has two distinct wags the perpendicular and the horizontal; and in his many moments of enthusiasm he never neglects to use that particular wag which is likely to make the most noise.

Though there was no scandal, there was plenty of jesting at so novel an arrangement. Wags proposed that in the case of the king being taken ill, a list should be prepared of the ladies who should tend his sick-bed. However, the champions were not long on duty: at the end of little more than a week their patient was convalescent.

Kitty stole the hand-glass from her mother's room, and insisted that her governess should take it and look at herself. "Papa says you're as plump as a partridge; and mamma says you're as fresh as a rose; and Uncle Randal wags his head, and tells them he saw it from the first.

All admit it, All practise it; and he who is content With showing what he is, shall have small credit In church, or camp, or state So wags the world. Old Play

Well hast thou said, O ragged Macaire, "Le jour va passer, MAIS LES BADAUDS NE PASSERONT PAS." About the year 1760, there lived, at Paris, a little fellow, who was the darling of all the wags of his acquaintance. Nature seemed, in the formation of this little man, to have amused herself, by giving loose to half a hundred of her most comical caprices.

Another reckoning, keenly balanced, informed the company that the day's papers could be expected on board somewhere about three o'clock in the afternoon. 'And then, said the Hon. Melville, nodding general gratulation, 'we shall know how the world wags. How it had been wagging the Countess's straining eyes under closed eyelids were eloquent of.

The Colonel selected the ditty of "Wapping Old Stairs," which charming old song he sang so pathetically that even the professional gentlemen buzzed a sincere applause, and some wags who were inclined to jeer at the beginning of the performance, clinked their glasses and rapped their sticks with quite a respectful enthusiasm.

You stood to lose a tidy bit, says I, 'even if you saved your life. . . . But what can I do for you? He never even saw the point. Not he. And that's how the world wags, sir."

Wags at the theatre suggest that his gloom dates from his marriage with Lolotte. Honest Topinard starts whenever he hears Fraisier's name mentioned. Some people may think it strange that the one nature worthy of Pons and Schmucke should be found on the third floor beneath the stage of a boulevard theatre. Mme. Remonencq, much impressed with Mme.