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If children come, they find but a stepmother's cold welcome from her; and if her husband thinks that he has married anything that is to belong to him a tacens et placens uxor pledged to make him happy the sooner he wakes from his hallucination and understands that he has simply married some one who will condescend to spend his money on herself, and who will shelter her indiscretions behind the shield of his name, the less severe will be his disappointment.

XVIII. Quanquam severa illic matrimonia; nec ullam morum partem magis laudaveris: nam prope soli barbarorum singulis uxoribus contenti sunt, exceptis admodum paucis, qui non libidine, sed ob nobilitatem, plurimis nuptiis ambiuntur, Dotem non uxor marito, sed uxori maritus offert.

Dum peregrinus hanc miram rationem de seipso reddit, hospes et uxor ejus, oculis intentis, peregrini nasum contemplantur Per sanctos sanctasque omnes, ait hospitis uxor, nasis duodecim maximis in toto Argentorato major est! estne, ait illa mariti in aurem insusurrans, nonne est nasus praegrandis? Dolus inest, anime mi, ait hospes nasus est falsus. Verus est, respondit uxor

We feel no anxious questionings, as we go about our daily business, whether the placens uxor forgot to remind Mary, when she went out, to pull the blinds down; whether Mary followed the instructions if given; whether those confounded patent ventilators have snapped to again. Green fly does not harass us. One syringing a day, and one watering per week suffice.

Your placens uxor, like all ladies in the same predicament, thinks your invitation a little unadvised; and, in real earnest, I have so long a ride to perform, that I would rather eat your oysters another day!" "No, no," said Clutterbuck, with greater eagerness than his even temperament was often hurried into betraying "no, I will go and reason with her myself.

"Uxor enim dignitatis nomen est, non voluptatis," was indeed an ancient Pagan dictum. But it is not in harmony with modern ideas. It was not even altogether in harmony with Christianity. For our modern morality, as Ellen Key well says, the unity of love and marriage is a fundamental principle.

"'Deed ay placens uxor, as a body may say I say if your wife continues to like Chatterton, you had better send a message to him, and not he to you." "So I would, if she gave me occasion, Major M'Toddy; but if your friend boasts of any thing of that kind, his conduct is still more infamous and intolerable than I thought it." "But your ainsel' your own self told me so this minute."

"At non domus accipiet te læta, neque uxor Optima, nec dulces occurrent oscula nati Præripère, et tacitâ pectus dulcedine tangent." Lucret.

Hactenus. Thus far, and no farther, i.e. if he pays his rent or tax, no more is required of him. Cetera. Gr. strangely refers uxor et liberi to the wife and children of the servant. Passow also refers domus to the house of the servant, thus making it identical with the penates above, with which it seems rather to be contrasted.

"Captain Le Gallais is newly arrived from our island," said Lempriere, "and I made bold to leave word that I was here, in case of his coming to my lodgings while I tarried with you. He brings me news of 'domus et placens uxor," added the speaker, taking with a sad smile the letter which Le Gallais handed him.