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"Stand right there, Miss Lady," said he, with all his old imperiousness. "Stand in that place where I done made it clean and easy for you, like I want to make the whole world clean and easy for you always. I'd like to smooth it that-away for you, always. Now, look at me, Miss Lady.

The first pitch is nigh two hundred feet, and the water looks like flakes of driven snow afore it touches the bottom; and there the stream gathers itself together again for a new start, and maybe flutters over fifty feet of flat rock before it falls for another hundred, when it jumps about from shelf to shelf, first turning this-away and then turning that-away, striving to get out of the hollow, till it finally comes to the plain

Which made him feel uncommon bully, for it was nuts for Tom Sawyer to be a public character that-away, and a hero, as he calls it. So when it was all quiet, he says: "There ain't much left, only this.

So fur as I could see they hadn't hurt the trust none to speak of, them night-riders. But they had done considerable damage to their own county, fur folks was moving away, and the price of land had fell. Still, I guess they must of got considerable satisfaction out of raising the deuce nights that-away; and sometimes that is worth a hull lot to a feller.

In the clapping of hands which broke out when he had done Ernestine's was to be heard above Kootanie George's grunt of disgust. "No man talk, that," he snorted, careless of who heard. "Dam' slush." "Your deal, Koot," laughed Blunt Rand, the American trapper from the headwaters of the Little MacLeod. "Don't let the Mexican gent spoil your play that-away. Deal 'em up, why don't you?"

But, lawzee! we had ne'er a man o' God 'mongst us to rise up and prophesy what was a-going to happen if we didn't get up and scratch gravel immejitly, if not sooner; though I won't deny that Cap'n Dick did try his hand that-away." "True; and I would now we had listened to him," said I, gloomily enough. "We have lost our chance, and God knows if we shall ever have another.

"Will," he says, very polite and quiet, "can I trouble you for a match?" And everybody let go their breath. Some with a snort, like they knowed they was being trifled with, and it made 'em sore. His eyebrows goes up agin, like it was awful impolite in folks to snort that-away, and he is surprised to hear it. And Will, he digs fur a match and finds her and passes her over.

"Because," doggedly declared the mountaineer, "I wouldn't allow nobody ter make me cut my ha'r." "Why?" questioned Lescott, amused at the stubborn inflection. "I don't hardly know why " He paused, then admitted with a glare as though defying criticism: "Sally likes hit that-away an' I won't let nobody dictate ter me, that's all."

"Plenty fix-um!" I poked the swellin' on his face and he let out a yelp. "It's lucky we got him before multiplication set in," Mike assured me. "I lay for 'em that-away at the foot of the stairs every day; but this is the best patient I've had. I've a notion to charge this one." "Don't you charge all of 'em?" I wanted to know. "Nope.

"Used ter run away from maw at home that-away, an' we never could find her till she got good an' ready to come home an' take her lickin'." Dolly grinned at Bessie. "Good for you!" she whispered. "Did you really do that, Bessie? You're a good sport, after all! I never thought you'd be disobedient." Bessie smiled. "Listen!" she whispered. "We mustn't talk yet."