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'Now, dear father, said the maid Elaine, and the tears welled from her eyes, 'I require you give me leave to ride and seek him that I love, or else I know well that I shall go out of my mind, for I may never rest until I learn of him and find him and my brother Sir Lavaine.

As she entered the house, Hetty met her, and saying cordially, "I'm glad to see you, Sally. It was so good of you to come right over at once; we have a great deal to do," she kissed her on her forehead. Sarah burst into tears. Nan stood by with a sullen face. Turning towards her involuntarily, perhaps because she hardly dared to speak to Hetty, Sarah said,

Through the filmy lace of her veil I could see that they were very soft, almost as though tears were gathering there. "Oh! I do believe you, Capitaine Rotherby," she said, "and I would be very, very happy if I could tell you now all the things which trouble me, all the things which I do not understand! But I may not. I may not just now."

The suffering on my father's face was terrible to see. Tears began to flow from his fixed eyes. I tried to calm him. "Do come about, father! it's over time!" "We'll go on a while yet," he said with a ghastly affected airiness, and I sat there with the blood freezing in my veins, fearing he was going mad. All at once he burst out again.

My lover will come back come back dead. And I shall try to kiss his brave lips back to life and they will speak no more. And I shall stand when they take him from me, lonely and alone. My father that I have estranged my foster-mother that I have withstood my sister that I have repelled will their tears flow for me then?

Then again he would come begging for food, the tears flowing down his cheeks. Now, while they were standing there discussing the young man, chance would have it that he came along, and greeted them courteously. Don Quixote returned his greeting with grand gestures, descended from Rocinante's tired back, and advanced to the youth with open arms.

But there were cheers when I'd done; it was nae just clapping of the hands they gie'd me. It brought the tears to my een to hear them. And I knew then that I'd made a whole new countryful of friends that nicht for after that I couldna hae doots aboot the way they'd be receiving me elsewhere. Even sae, the papers surprised me the next morning. They did sae much more than just praise me!

On one of these occasions he was seized with remorse, fell upon Hume's neck, embraced him warmly, and, suffocated with sobs and bathed in tears, cried out in broken accents, No, no, David Hume is no traitor, with many protests of affection.

He sat down at her side and asked her to tell him what had happened. The sympathy in his voice went straight to her heart and won her whole confidence. "The warning was for me," she answered, "I'm not afraid to die; but father and mother and my little brother " She did not sob or make any sound, but great tears welled from her eyes, and she was unable to go on.

And over the whole city rang the continuous and exultant cry: "The King! The King!" And perhaps only one soul, prophetic in instinct, foresaw any terror in the triumph! only one voice, low and tremulous and weighted with tears and prayers, murmured: "Ah, dear God! Would he were not a King!"