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They had to sit very close, and Tamara became incensed with herself, because in spite of all her late rage with the Prince, she experienced a sensation which was disturbing and unknown. The magnetic personality of the man was so strong. He bent and whispered something to the Princess, and then as though sharing a secret, he leaned the other way, and whispered to Tamara, too.

But the goats fled in fear of him, so they went on. Tamara was wondering why she felt so stupid. She wanted to ask her strange companion a number of questions. Who he was? What he was doing at the Sphinx? and indeed in Egypt. Why he had spoken to her at all? and yet appeared absolutely indifferent as they rode along! He had not asked her a single question or expressed the least curiosity.

His eyes filled with pain. "I will even have your soul," he said. Then, as though restraining further emotion, he went on coldly. "I have arranged that after the wedding we go to my house, and do not start for the South until Saturday. There are some things I wish to show you there. Will that be as you wish?" "I have no wishes, it is as you please," Tamara answered monotonously.

The bushy, frightful eyebrows of Emma Edwardovna rose upward; the eyes widened joyously; and a real, uncounterfeited smile spread over her cheeks of a behemoth. She quickly extended both hands to Tamara. "And is this all? O, MEIN KIND? And I thought ... God knows what I imagined!

Tamara, without haste, with a pin refastens the fabric more conveniently on her knee, smooths the seam down with the thimble, and speaks, without raising the narrowed eyes, her head bent just a trifle to one side: "One's got to be doing something. It's wearisome just so. I don't play at cards, and I don't like them." Jennie continues to shake her head. "No, you're a queer girl, really you are.

"You dared me once before, Madame," he said, smiling provokingly. "Do you think it is quite wise of you to try it again?" "I do not care if it is wise or no. I hate you!" almost hissed poor Tamara. Then his eyes blazed, as she had never seen them yet. He moved nearer to her, and spoke in a low concentrated voice. "It is a challenge. Good. Now listen to what I say.

They just sat down near her and gazed and gazed at her with great faithful dog-like eyes. Presently a thrush began to sing hard by, and with a little stretch and a sleepy sigh Tamara opened her big blue eyes. When she caught sight of her guardians and captors, she broke into a little rippling laugh and sprang to her feet, but this time she could not escape. "Do not leave us," they pleaded.

"The horses won't stand," the Prince said, and he jumped in beside her and gave the order to go. Thus Tamara found herself alone with him flying over the snow under the stars. There was a delicious feeling of excitement in her veins. They neither of them spoke for a while, but the Prince drew nearer and yet nearer, and presently his arm slipped round her, and he folded her close.

The band was playing a particularly sensuous valse, which drove all young people mad that year, and if the Count had danced well this man's movements were heaven. Tamara did not speak a word. She purposely did not look at him, but drooped her proud head so that the flashing diamonds of her tiara were all he could have seen of her.

No gold band there but mine, and until then, no jewel but this ruby!" Then he dropped her hand and turning, threw the wedding ring with passion in the fire! Tamara made a step forward in protest, and then she stood petrified while her eyes flashed with anger. "Indeed, yes, I am ashamed I cried!" she said at last between her teeth. He made some restless paces, he was very much moved.