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But I see that this villain's treason will convince our great folks that they must instantly draw to a head, and make a blow for it, or be taen in their houses, coupled up like hounds, and driven up to London like the honest noblemen and gentlemen in the year seventeen hundred and seven.

I wudna hae presumed but that I thoucht, although I dinna deserve 't, for auld kin'ness ye wud say what ye wud advise. 'I'll du that, Francie no for auld kin'ness, but for kin'ness never auld. What's wrang wi' ye? 'Kirsty, wuman, she's brocken oot again! 'I dinna won'er. I hae h'ard o' sic things. 'It's jist taen the pith oot o' me! What am I to du?

"Bell's to marry me," explained Sanders. "But but what does Sam'l say?" "He's willin'," said Sanders. "And Bell?" "She's willin', too. She prefers't." "It is unusual," said the minister. "It's a' richt," said Sanders. "Well, you know best," said the minister. "You see the hoose was taen, at ony rate," continued Sanders. "An I'll juist ging in til't instead o' Sam'l." "Quite so."

Then, to tell ye the truth, I doubt he has been the prime agent between some o' our Hieland chiefs and the gentlemen in the north o' England. We a' heard o' the public money that was taen frae the chield Morris somewhere about the fit o' Cheviot by Rob and ane o' the Osbaldistone lads; and, to tell ye the truth, word gaed that it was yoursell Mr.

Let his foul carcase be taen awa', and hangit on a gibbet on the hill where Malkin Tower aince stood, as a warning to a' sic heinous offenders." As the King ceased speaking, Master Potts appeared out of breath, and greatly excited. "She has escaped, sire!" he cried. "Wha! Jennet!" exclaimed James. "If sae, we will tang you in her stead." "No, sire Alizon," replied Potts.

It was Amos; he'd lossen his footing on the stepping-stones going across Wharfe, and the spate had carried him downstream and drowned him. It wasn't Jerry's clog-print on the ashes, it was Amos's; and the Lord had taen away my eldest barn frae me because I'd etten o' the Tree o' Knowledge." II. Janet's Cove

An' I forgat to tell ye, there's been an unco inquiry after the auld wife that we saw in Bewcastle; the Sheriff's had folk ower the Limestane Edge after her, and down the Hermitage and Liddel, and a' gates, and a reward offered for her to appear o' fifty pound sterling, nae less; and Justice Forster, he's had out warrants, as I am tell'd, in Cumberland; and an unco ranging and ripeing they have had a' gates seeking for her; but she'll no be taen wi' them unless she likes, for a' that.

"Now if the secret were mine," said the mendicant, "I wad stand out for a half; for you see, though I am but a puir ragged body, and couldna carry silver or gowd to sell for fear o' being taen up, yet I could find mony folk would pass it awa for me at unco muckle easier profit than ye're thinking on."

Eh, man, Edie! but she was a trimmer it wad hae taen a skeely man to hae squared wi' her! But she's in her grave, and we may loose our tongues a bit fan we meet a friend. But fare ye weel, Edie I maun be back to the evening-service. An' ye come to Inverurie maybe sax months awa, dinna forget to ask after Francie Macraw."

One of their late companions in misfortune called out to the man to make his escape, in the tone of an acquaintance. "Rin for it, Ratcliffe the road's clear." "It may be sae, Willie," answered Ratcliffe, composedly, "but I have taen a fancy to leave aff trade, and set up for an honest man."